Humble Prayer Warrior
Into existence my GRACE stays with me all witchcraft prayers on my life
my kids even Mama Sharon become amiss. Everyone that is a good thing finds me helps me move the SUV clean it we move it in the night
because that's how GOD comes as a thief in the night. Everyone who is after my power can't keep it everyone after my FAVOR can't keep it. Everyone who blocked my way and thought it was funny to kill my life
and kids family and laughed at us while they did it cannot laugh anymore because they blocked GOD ALMIGHTY and broke his heart. Everyone secretly in my thoughts following me my kids innocents my family using our domain as there own fun stealing my prayers blocking laughing at me for honoring GOD ALMIGHTY let them have no peace ever again let everyone cry who thought GOD ALMIGHTY shouldn't be happy in me and should alone not even having one friend that is good to me not one boyfriend not a wedding not a person even next to me. Let people who are a good thing for Lizzy and I Lani Lucas Mama Sharon care for us and want a good life
not secret agents of Satan absolutely controlling everyone movements. Let who is a best for me in every way be in my life that can help me now because I'm on the street now by myself let the right come to make sure I'm ok since I gave my life and answered GODS heart
the best I could. Let the people who don't believe I'm GRACE not be able to speak about me ever again let the people who steal block kill my GRACE have John 10
:10 DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ always hit them with a wall of FIRE
that cannot get through because there just wicked thieves that killed GODS heart
. Let everyone who thought it's a great idea to kill hearts in me have absolutely no peace and then let the sun
go down on these people absolutely no GRACE of mine it's biblical you loose GRACE because I have been killed so many times. Let the verses hit as hard as needed so I can have people near me GODS heart happy and maybe the sun
can stay up if not then let it go down because there's no reason for me to suffer anymore and it's killing GODs heart
. Let everyone who has a heart for GOD have no peace because the person GOD chose has killed completely to take the BODY of CHRIST anywhere. Break there hearts for what breaks GOD ALMIGHTY
. Let my life
have hearts desires absolutely helping me in every way and my kids and Mama Sharon. Let the evil people that want to follow my thoughts and keep me captive in fake relationships with weird demons attacking me that there Myles Hass anyone else die out and go back to sender to destroy then in there lives. Let judgements justice come forth for these wicked people that are way to wicked to be alive let the truth come out they only kill GODS beloved. Let the verse Hebrews 12 12 hit
as hard as needed they cannot hurt me my life and family ever again no more I'm everyone's business and my family instead they are the talk of the town period permanently let the secret agents of Satan that come and steal at my life be blocked with they are trash
with there tormenting demons back with them and the Narrator is always exposed with no protection to hide of any kind all dark black magic just fails Holy Angels are returning to me my kids who is innocent forever no one is able to keep my FAVOR DNA
SiGNATURES or my kids Mama Sharon innocents for now on into existence in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen