Beloved of All
No more jealousy witchcraft jealousy from anyone over me and my husband and my marriage everyone has extreme extreme favor for me and my Husband and our marriage and anyone that has jealously or a problem with it let's go and is to busy in there own lives now they don't care anymore. Any women that were trying to get ahold of my husband see my husband text,lust Jezebel spirit and email not in God's will my husband removes and is abhorred repelled by all of them he deletes them all and tells Them all leave him alone forever he tells them he loves his wife from the Lord and that's all he wants desires and is fully committed to me his wife from the Lord. He also protects me from his family followers mother anyone coming against our marriage until all evil gone and our marriage God has planned is restored and all jealousy fiery darts pride witchcraft selfish wicked prayers removed tail the enemy permanently. Bind Isaiah 53 : 5 x7x7x7 we are healed by the stripes of Jesus bind Nehemiah 13 : 2 x7x7x7 turn every curse sent our way into a blessing bind Hebrew 4 : 12 x7x7x7 quick and powerful bind Deut 28 : 13 x7x7x7 we are the head not the tail tail all powers of darkness operating against my marriage God has planned for me tail all negative attitudes, wrong patterns of thinking, tail all jealousy pride, tail all hurt, anger, rage, unforgiveness, unbelief, controlling spirits, selfish wicked prayers, word curses, spells, sorcery, hexes, vexes now I'm the head in my marriage and I'm the head with my Husband he only wants me now according to God's will 100 fold into exsistence 100 fold right now all the way from the spiritual into the physical