Beloved of All
No more chaos or seeing on Facebook Myles Enrique Riley Luis men there broads or men from my past no more disgrace no more sorrow no more tears spirit of destruction no more thieves on my name lifetime lifestyle on my Moms Facebook mine or my family page or Wi-Fi no online spam or the women men connected to there lives or who they slept with or are sleeping with now currently no more tears for my lifestyle let me have peace and I my family get a car a trailer to own that isn’t connected to them so I’m made a fool and God Almighty no fake Facebook followers who killed my happiness time forever that can sell anything to me or my family forever Kick Rocks off of messenger Facebook onstage Instagram all thieves who refused to let me b happy and God Almighty and my family let us have Neh 13:2 Turn every curse into a blessing without having the people who reaped my blessings in it or my family blessings forever no more thieves or people who shouldn’t reap blessings only shame on them instead haters Kick Rocks forever no more blessings for the thieves who hate me and God Almighty and innocents no more stealing peoples movements forever into existence with the blood of Jesus in Jesus Name Amen