Humble Prayer Warrior
I get my JOY of the LORD back & I get a husband who wants wants me desires me stays with me everyday not one who hasn't or ever won't make it. Doors open wide for me today to get the best for me in everyway no more tears no more unreasonable men who honestly don't love me anyways. I haven't had who I loved that God made me God made me love instead it's been watch him have sex with everyone else In my air that God wanted. My heart
and Gods heart is broken beyond belief. Since its Friday night 
I get a Great day that will want to have a normal life with me that is a dream come true for me & my current situation. I get a job in communication where I'm near people all the time that are a good thing for my life
. I get. A life of my dreams with a house
go to the water enjoy my life have fun laugh without all kinds of anxiety and not breathing. Myles Hass and Micheal Aldridge can stay wherever the people they chose over me the other women over many times so I get a husband that believes in me and Myles Hass has his energy DNA
SiGNATURES based before he met me and I have mine as well. Due to my dream I don't see anyone near me ever I'm always alone with no one near me that can breathe ever. Let the sun
go down as much as needed since I became the Lady who only prays all day and I already have done all my life. This life is a JOKE for GOD and me making GOD ALMIGHTY heart
broken as well. I get someone who will make me laugh and I get the feeling of happiness back when someone arrived that makes me happy. I get someone who will be able to make me smile laugh and just love me for me. The weird blockers just die off
and because I was put last as garbage for loving God Almighty that ends today and I get a normal life without drama people everywhere around me. Now that ends no one is watching me instead now they realize it took all that just to get me food stamps EBT card. The people wake up to they got good fruit
but God is dead inside from watching me cry myself to sleep as I wasn't for good enough for any GODS sons. Let me get someone who is new probably that won't want me with everybody he will just want me that's it that's all. Let everyone from my past have there Karma real what you sow
reap what you pray Psalm 79:12 You pray it you keep it bring in my life a new way to live that I can be happy inside & I'm not just praying everyday all day for no reason. Bring in new dreams come true and remove weird Kayleena Freeman Shaleen Freeman Sharon Boyd Richard BOYD remove all people from GODS GRACE my GRACE my hard working energy who ripped my heart
about what God Almighty was doing for his own kingdom make sure these people don't have any of my sunshine Hebrews 12 12 DNA Hebrews 4 12 Quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword
piercing even into the deepest marrow bones in the Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen