Humble Prayer Partner
Loosen Verse Jer50:23 Let the Hammer break the Wicked into pieces. I get gifted win or I can buy land that is a good thing where I can park a TRAILER to have a good looking guy STAY with me I get my BOAZ to take excellent care of me that’s a good thing. I can b friends with Scott Taylor Andy Downer Joey Riley Myles Hass and Baby Enrique period permanently. My Facebook is working properly I get thru the Customer Support they fix it free no more SPAM or fake accounts following me period permanently. I get my 3 offspring to visit and have great communication on holidays and birthdays. I get to keep Baby Pixel and Tiger get both cats fixed properly I get the money for the cats to take excellent care of them. I get my TAXES back this time for 2017 this time the right amount for being head household and my last name spelled right then I will get a Car to get to the grocery store. I get my Song New Beginning Christian Song production done properly for the Lords will. My favor life spiritual home house tunnels are returned I’m in harmony in my lifetime. My prayer request com site always works properly. I finish my new Career properly Notary Public Figure Official I pass the Exam and get my fingerprints done and background check goes thru greatly. I get to Social Security this week get the Dire Addendum done properly myself and it greatly gets done fast I get reviewed done immediately it doesn’t take 2 more years back log, they put my case finalized with acceptance of Bi polar 1 and 2 also taking in consideration the Fire over 4 years ago affecting my health. Then the Lawyer I fired gets no money off of me period permanently they don’t even try because they didn’t do there job properly. I only go back to Henry Enrique Rodriguez if it’s a good thing for me as a Cash Job. I get enough money to go on Harmony daring site to find my happiness. My tunnels are a good thing for my lifetime. Everyone who has used me get out of my tunnels permanently don’t pretend to care about me anymore I get my bucket list done before I get raptured to heaven if possible or I get raptured to heaven immediately Gods will into exsistence with the blood of Jesus Gods will Loosen Verse Deut 28:6