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Part of the reason that I was led to this board was my constant turmoil at my job. The straw that broke the camels back happened a few weeks ago. I had been promised a position two years ago, waited for approval from HR, did training and foot work for the job, and was told the job was approved and it was mine and would start shortly. A week or so later I got a rejection email saying they gave it to someone else.
Originally I was so upset. I had waited two years for the job. But as I thought about Gods grace I realized its a blessing in disguise that I didn't get it. The position will be under much scrutiny from the higher ups in corporate. They have high expectations and there are many billing and computer system parts to the position that I am not well versed in. Not to mention it is in the city an hour from me. I've never been a fan of driving into the city. It's stressful to me. My blood pressure has gone up since working at this place and it would never be a job that I feel like I could settle down and have a family while doing. And most of all that's what I want in life. I met so many great friends working there though, one in particular who shares a strong faith in God like me. And also, if it weren't for her I would've never met Adam. I also became friends with a mutual friend of Adams who gave him some confidence in knowing I was an alright girl to date
I was originally upset bc of the time I thought I wasted on this job, the fact that it was closer to adam, and the pay of the promotion would allow me to move closer to Adam or go in on a home together. But God has a better plan for me!
So that brings me to the new job opportunity. It is with sheetz as an assistant manager. They have three locations open with this position. One in my home town, one in Adams town, and one about 45 minutes from me. There are many possibilities. I hear the company is great to work for, the pay is enough to keep me content and not greedy. It is actually near the amount I would make with the old promised position without all the stress though. And it's closer to home, or closer to Adam, and out of the city. I have years experience as an assistant manger and can honestly say it was one of my favorite jobs. There are so many reasons I feel like this job may be for me and I hope God is in agreeance with me on this.
Please pray that I will have a shot at this job. That I will get an interview, that they will see in me potential and a great pick for the job, that I do well in the interview, and I am chosen for one of the locations, whichever location God feels is best for my future.
Should Gods will be for adam and I to reconcile and restore our relationships and mend our hearts, this job could play a huge part in helping us progress to the next level in our relationship. I'll have the means and time that he and I always wished I would have. Maybe this is one of the reasons things didn't work out like I thiught they would. I am surely learning to leave it to God and trust he always has a better plan, and the best plan for me. I can't explain how excited I am!
I can feel things looking up and God smiling down on me. I am truly thankful for everything I have been going through these past few months and cannot wait to see what God has in store for me ahead.
Please continue to pray for the restoration of adam and I. For the doors of communication between us to open. For the healing and mending of adams heart and to soften it towards me.
I pray for my new found friends on here. That God hear all your prayers and grant them under his precious will for the betterment of everyone involved.
Everyone have a blessed and wonderful week.
Thank you as always and I thank God for this opportunity he has placed in my life!
Originally I was so upset. I had waited two years for the job. But as I thought about Gods grace I realized its a blessing in disguise that I didn't get it. The position will be under much scrutiny from the higher ups in corporate. They have high expectations and there are many billing and computer system parts to the position that I am not well versed in. Not to mention it is in the city an hour from me. I've never been a fan of driving into the city. It's stressful to me. My blood pressure has gone up since working at this place and it would never be a job that I feel like I could settle down and have a family while doing. And most of all that's what I want in life. I met so many great friends working there though, one in particular who shares a strong faith in God like me. And also, if it weren't for her I would've never met Adam. I also became friends with a mutual friend of Adams who gave him some confidence in knowing I was an alright girl to date

I was originally upset bc of the time I thought I wasted on this job, the fact that it was closer to adam, and the pay of the promotion would allow me to move closer to Adam or go in on a home together. But God has a better plan for me!
So that brings me to the new job opportunity. It is with sheetz as an assistant manager. They have three locations open with this position. One in my home town, one in Adams town, and one about 45 minutes from me. There are many possibilities. I hear the company is great to work for, the pay is enough to keep me content and not greedy. It is actually near the amount I would make with the old promised position without all the stress though. And it's closer to home, or closer to Adam, and out of the city. I have years experience as an assistant manger and can honestly say it was one of my favorite jobs. There are so many reasons I feel like this job may be for me and I hope God is in agreeance with me on this.
Please pray that I will have a shot at this job. That I will get an interview, that they will see in me potential and a great pick for the job, that I do well in the interview, and I am chosen for one of the locations, whichever location God feels is best for my future.
Should Gods will be for adam and I to reconcile and restore our relationships and mend our hearts, this job could play a huge part in helping us progress to the next level in our relationship. I'll have the means and time that he and I always wished I would have. Maybe this is one of the reasons things didn't work out like I thiught they would. I am surely learning to leave it to God and trust he always has a better plan, and the best plan for me. I can't explain how excited I am!
I can feel things looking up and God smiling down on me. I am truly thankful for everything I have been going through these past few months and cannot wait to see what God has in store for me ahead.
Please continue to pray for the restoration of adam and I. For the doors of communication between us to open. For the healing and mending of adams heart and to soften it towards me.
I pray for my new found friends on here. That God hear all your prayers and grant them under his precious will for the betterment of everyone involved.
Everyone have a blessed and wonderful week.
Thank you as always and I thank God for this opportunity he has placed in my life!