Pray strongly for me. I need a new place to live asap. I am grateful I have a place to live but I don't like the environment where I live. The environment is toxic. The neighbors are toxic they make noises all the time near the pool with their children and loud rap or reggaeton music almost every day. Many dog owners leave poop in the complex constantly. There is constant marijuana and cigarettes smell throughout the complex. I don't feel like going to the gym in the complex because the neighbors are not quality people yet I am paying for it. I really need to have a house of my own to have peace of mine. I just can't live in a community or apartment with other people. Also the apartment is too small. I need a bedroom for my mother. I would love to have a garden to walk. I live in a state here it's too hot. It's hot outside hot in the house. I have to constantly use the fan or AC and it's raising my electric bill. There are also roaches. I have done many things to prevent them but still find them. There are some small and big ones. The heat and humidity does that so there is nothing I can do to eliminate this issue. I don't want to use chemicals. Currently I'm just using traps and sprays. I'm so frustrated cause I don't want to deal with roaches daily for life. It's nasty. I don't know if where I am is the right state for me anymore but I would like to live in the state in the USA where it's normal weather no winters no snow but not too hot humid and uncomfortable. Where I am if you don't drive or don't have a car it's hard. I use public transit because I can't afford a car and I am not yet an experienced driver. I have no choices but using the public transit here is not a fun activity at all. The bus smells bad almost daily, the people are weird, scary, dirty, smell bad, dress bad, hair are not comb full of knots and dirty, druggies and homeless. Some public buses stops have homeless and drug addicts that would just squat and sleep there. All the major bus centers look scary. Today I was harassed by a man waiting for the bus he said to me you look nice mama. This is these people talk to women like they own you. It's disgusting. I didn't respond for my safety. It's not the first time I was harassed by men coming up to me these men are druggies and are so dirty looking they are not even my type. It's sometimes scary to sit on the bus chairs it looks so dirty. I would prefer to be in an area where everything is convenient like walking distance I can get a car later on but not depend on it constantly. Asking God favor and grace in this matter.