Humble Prayer Warrior
I get a Whole New beginning my one Song BewcBeginning makes it into my life . Gods heart was it to go Viral for Peace and prosperity in the Nations I would like Pastor work for the Lords heart to be good thing at one success in my lifetime before I get raptured to Heaven if possible if not Full Report I couldn’t get thru no needs Met. I ask for now I’m 47 I’m done I get raptured when I can to heaven.i get my Vortex well iPad Vortex well my frequency levels well. I get my needs Met I can see my family on Holidays birthdays I get a great looking man in my life. I get a Beautiful Trailer to own I get a Car to own. I get a Cute puppy and keep the cats that belong to me get them fixed and they wear there cute collars with bells no more drama no more chaos into exsistence with the blood of Jesus loosen VersecJer 50:23 Let the Hammer break the Wicked into pieces. Let my Essence stay with me b returned to me and my families friends pets Essence be returned to them period permanently. All spam is gone from my Facebook my families friends pets facebook instagram account no spam for me my family friends pets Snapchat no spam tic tok no spam for my Family friends pets internet is safe prayer request is safe Klove well safe Air one prayer online safe well Joyce Meyer ministries Safe well all John Hagee ministries are well safe Joel Olsteen well even my government well safe land places to live safe well for me my friends family pets into exsistence with the blood of Jesus Gods will then upside down out of my tunnel’s properly I can have tunnels well I’m a good person no facility for me or my family friends pets Gods will..I have good luck health good Karma Forver turn my bad luck into good luck always flip everything the enemy uses for bad for good for me everything Loosen Verse Neh 13:2 Turn every curse into a blessing for me now I love u Lord Jesus loosen Verse Heb 4:12 Fast as coffee Loosen Verse Deut 28:6 Blessed only loosen Verse Deut 28:59 redeemed from all curses period no boils no na ammonia no sicknesses loosen Verse Isa 60:11 Gates are open continuously for Blessings DNA based Loosen Verse JOB 20:15 The enemy will not be able to swallow but he must vomit up My finances and all my blessings.
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