Elizabeth F
Humble Servant of All
When my sister and I became disillusioned with religion (not God or Jesus) many years ago we turned to New Age practices such as crystals, spirit guides and moon rituals etc.
We then realised this was abhorrent to God and rid our house of everything to do with it.
We renounced it all and asked God for forgiveness and re committed our lives to Jesus.
As many of you will know we have been PLEADING with God for the past five years for healing from horrendous mental and physical illnesses but are getting worse
I now worry as to whether this is blocking the healing I know God can provide?
Father God I come to you in Jesus' name worried that my, and my sister ###'s, involvement in new age practices may be blocking our healing and ask for your guidance?
Your word says "Confess your sins to one another that you may be healed so I confess my sins of disobedience to all my brothers and sisters in this community
Lord Jesus we ask you to sever all connections to the New Age practices we took part in and to all the people involved. We renounce it all and repent of turning away from your ways. We submit ourselves to you and to your will for the rest of our lives and ask for forgiveness In Jesus' name Amen
We then realised this was abhorrent to God and rid our house of everything to do with it.
We renounced it all and asked God for forgiveness and re committed our lives to Jesus.
As many of you will know we have been PLEADING with God for the past five years for healing from horrendous mental and physical illnesses but are getting worse
I now worry as to whether this is blocking the healing I know God can provide?
Father God I come to you in Jesus' name worried that my, and my sister ###'s, involvement in new age practices may be blocking our healing and ask for your guidance?
Your word says "Confess your sins to one another that you may be healed so I confess my sins of disobedience to all my brothers and sisters in this community
Lord Jesus we ask you to sever all connections to the New Age practices we took part in and to all the people involved. We renounce it all and repent of turning away from your ways. We submit ourselves to you and to your will for the rest of our lives and ask for forgiveness In Jesus' name Amen