Humble Servant of All
Nephew Thamo only crying... don't wnto eat.medicne. he has.fever.. due to.not matching of weather here in his grannys place. As.he.came.first time with his mom. He's 8months old. !! Pray for my sister Cecelia so much sneezing. Due to allergic in her nasal. Has taken medicine also.. when she sneezes son also gets scared n cries. Himself also due to fever not eating food well . yesterday twice he vomited. Today fever is little better. Not yet normal but. His grandmother also also is not feeling well she also has fever not willing to eat food. Change of weather it's happening. Pray for 3of them to get well soon. For nephew Tahmoh. Sister Cecelia.. and.her mom in law yabyang.. Praise the lord 