Disciple of Prayer
My sweet, kind, gentle, loving, caring, most beautiful, wonderful greatest mom, and person you could ever know, did not go to the hospital for them to try to save her life, and they were unable, or have a medical 'mistake' made, which can happen, that caused her untimely death, or anything at all like that. My mom walked into the hospital, by all accounts, with a great deal of the best days of her life to enjoy ahead of her, with nothing like any life threatening problems, and was subsequently subjected to gross extreme negligence, and malpractice, that caused her excruciating, screaming in agonizing severe pain, torturous suffering, and death, and at least one surgeon really sould be in jail for manslaughter.
On 3/21/23 my mom, Martha walked into Penn Medicine's Chester County Hospital West Chester PA with a UTI. While there a blockage in her left leg was discovered and and vien graft operation performed by Dr Hayes. She was discharged to home on 3/25, doing fine. After about a week she began experiencing pain and weakness, and the Bayada home nurse Janae was so adamant that her incision was infected, needing immediate attention, that she sent a photo and description to the surgeon fully believing that he would say bring her in immeadiatley, but instead we were all shocked when he responded that he would only see her in a week at her next pre-scheduled appointment. I called Dr Hayes office begging and pleading, would he please see my mom right away for her infected incision, but he just absolutely refused. I then called my mom's family doctor, and Urgent Care, but they said only the surgeon can address that, and before that next appointment ever came, my mom was collapsed on the floor with full sepsis through her whole body. All I could do was lay a robe over her and call an ambulance. On April 18 my mom was checked back in to Chester County Hospital where Dr Hayes said her incision was very badly and deeply infected, cut a big hole out of my mom's left thigh, and against my very strong and adamant urging, pleading, begging to doctors, nurses, patient advocacy, to please keep my mom in longer, on April 22 they very prematurely discharged her into Accelerate rehab Exton Pa, having been so weakened by the infection that Dr Hayes gross extreme negligence had allowed to coarse through her whole body. Just a few days after that, on April 28 the rehab sent her back to Chester County Hospital because her incision did not look good, like it was getting worse, not better. At this point, so thoroughly disgusted with Dr Hayes, we requested to have my mom moved to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, and on May 3 she was transported there from Chester County Hospital by ambulance where another surgeon was upset to see Dr Hayes's poor work, which he said had no chance of working, as Dr Hayes had not even removed the source of the infection, the artificial vien graft that he had initially put in. This surgeon did a proper operation finally, but despite my mom by now being very weakened and beat up from Dr Hayes extreme gross neglect and malpractice, wasn't able to even stand, get out of bed or move much anymore, the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania never turned or moved her, did not have her on any special mattress, and never did any kind of bedsore prevention at all. I know, I was there 12hrs a day everyday. After about a few days or so I noticed a big bandage on my mom's back and asked if she has a bedsore. They said no its just red, which was a lie because red is a bedsore. After about another week I started asking more about what's behind this bandage on my mom's back that they very suspiciously never changed in front of me, and refused to show me when I asked to see whats behind there, until I absolutley insisted, and when I tried to take a picture of it, as I had always done with her incision when they were changing dressing, they freaked-out. I mean things got so insanely bizarre, i believe criminal, and shockingly evil beyond what I would've thought human being were capable of, outside of psychopaths. They got security to escort me out of the building, even once outside, a group of goons to force me off of hospital property, which is an excessively big outside area, and actually even threaten to have me arrested if I even call to check on my mom's condition, while they're killing her in there. My poor mom suffered horribly in there, literally screaming out loud, Help Me, Help Me, Aaaaaaa, It Hurts, every day from the excruciating pain of the bedsore, I could hear her screaming from down the hall when I would go to get a nurse or something, they only put her on a special mattress well after she already had a massive hideous stage 4 bedsore on her back, still didn't do proper care, never debrided the huge plug of dead black necrotic eschar from the bedsore, I have even seen where the entire dressing on the bedsore was soaked in urine. Can you imagine the pain of that? This place was pure hell on earth, my poor, sweet, kind, loving, beautiful mom, who had walked into the hospital just a couple months prior with nothing even close to anything like a life threatening issue was being tortured to death worse than a prisoner in a POW camp, and now her son, me, her emotional support who had stayed by her side for 12hrs a day everyday was taken from her at the same time. Inexcusable sickening emotional torture in the last days of her life like some kind of bizarre dungeon of agony, suffering, pain and death. So shockingly sick, depraved of all human qualities, and just downright evil, that in the brief time it took me to call Philadelphia Elder Care to get investigators in there, they had already removed my mom from thier computer system so that when Elder Care inspectors tried to investigate, the hospital switchboard lied to them that my mom was not in that hospital. In a couple days they transferred her back to the Exton Pa rehab where i got to be with her for a couple days befire her vital signs declined overnight and they sent her back to Chester County Hospital where it all started, to die. THEY KILLED MY MOM, my world, my life, my everything, so dearly and deeply beloved by so so many. Theres no more honest, concise way to say it. THEY KILLED HER, and I don't think the devil himself could invent a more twisted, sick, evil system of abuse, neglect, torture, pain, misery, manslaughter, and cover-up. Please feel free to call me with any questions, if you want to see pictures, documents, anything, but DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS PLEASE! Very Sincerely, Robert 484-252-9596
On 3/21/23 my mom, Martha walked into Penn Medicine's Chester County Hospital West Chester PA with a UTI. While there a blockage in her left leg was discovered and and vien graft operation performed by Dr Hayes. She was discharged to home on 3/25, doing fine. After about a week she began experiencing pain and weakness, and the Bayada home nurse Janae was so adamant that her incision was infected, needing immediate attention, that she sent a photo and description to the surgeon fully believing that he would say bring her in immeadiatley, but instead we were all shocked when he responded that he would only see her in a week at her next pre-scheduled appointment. I called Dr Hayes office begging and pleading, would he please see my mom right away for her infected incision, but he just absolutely refused. I then called my mom's family doctor, and Urgent Care, but they said only the surgeon can address that, and before that next appointment ever came, my mom was collapsed on the floor with full sepsis through her whole body. All I could do was lay a robe over her and call an ambulance. On April 18 my mom was checked back in to Chester County Hospital where Dr Hayes said her incision was very badly and deeply infected, cut a big hole out of my mom's left thigh, and against my very strong and adamant urging, pleading, begging to doctors, nurses, patient advocacy, to please keep my mom in longer, on April 22 they very prematurely discharged her into Accelerate rehab Exton Pa, having been so weakened by the infection that Dr Hayes gross extreme negligence had allowed to coarse through her whole body. Just a few days after that, on April 28 the rehab sent her back to Chester County Hospital because her incision did not look good, like it was getting worse, not better. At this point, so thoroughly disgusted with Dr Hayes, we requested to have my mom moved to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, and on May 3 she was transported there from Chester County Hospital by ambulance where another surgeon was upset to see Dr Hayes's poor work, which he said had no chance of working, as Dr Hayes had not even removed the source of the infection, the artificial vien graft that he had initially put in. This surgeon did a proper operation finally, but despite my mom by now being very weakened and beat up from Dr Hayes extreme gross neglect and malpractice, wasn't able to even stand, get out of bed or move much anymore, the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania never turned or moved her, did not have her on any special mattress, and never did any kind of bedsore prevention at all. I know, I was there 12hrs a day everyday. After about a few days or so I noticed a big bandage on my mom's back and asked if she has a bedsore. They said no its just red, which was a lie because red is a bedsore. After about another week I started asking more about what's behind this bandage on my mom's back that they very suspiciously never changed in front of me, and refused to show me when I asked to see whats behind there, until I absolutley insisted, and when I tried to take a picture of it, as I had always done with her incision when they were changing dressing, they freaked-out. I mean things got so insanely bizarre, i believe criminal, and shockingly evil beyond what I would've thought human being were capable of, outside of psychopaths. They got security to escort me out of the building, even once outside, a group of goons to force me off of hospital property, which is an excessively big outside area, and actually even threaten to have me arrested if I even call to check on my mom's condition, while they're killing her in there. My poor mom suffered horribly in there, literally screaming out loud, Help Me, Help Me, Aaaaaaa, It Hurts, every day from the excruciating pain of the bedsore, I could hear her screaming from down the hall when I would go to get a nurse or something, they only put her on a special mattress well after she already had a massive hideous stage 4 bedsore on her back, still didn't do proper care, never debrided the huge plug of dead black necrotic eschar from the bedsore, I have even seen where the entire dressing on the bedsore was soaked in urine. Can you imagine the pain of that? This place was pure hell on earth, my poor, sweet, kind, loving, beautiful mom, who had walked into the hospital just a couple months prior with nothing even close to anything like a life threatening issue was being tortured to death worse than a prisoner in a POW camp, and now her son, me, her emotional support who had stayed by her side for 12hrs a day everyday was taken from her at the same time. Inexcusable sickening emotional torture in the last days of her life like some kind of bizarre dungeon of agony, suffering, pain and death. So shockingly sick, depraved of all human qualities, and just downright evil, that in the brief time it took me to call Philadelphia Elder Care to get investigators in there, they had already removed my mom from thier computer system so that when Elder Care inspectors tried to investigate, the hospital switchboard lied to them that my mom was not in that hospital. In a couple days they transferred her back to the Exton Pa rehab where i got to be with her for a couple days befire her vital signs declined overnight and they sent her back to Chester County Hospital where it all started, to die. THEY KILLED MY MOM, my world, my life, my everything, so dearly and deeply beloved by so so many. Theres no more honest, concise way to say it. THEY KILLED HER, and I don't think the devil himself could invent a more twisted, sick, evil system of abuse, neglect, torture, pain, misery, manslaughter, and cover-up. Please feel free to call me with any questions, if you want to see pictures, documents, anything, but DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS PLEASE! Very Sincerely, Robert 484-252-9596
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