Joslyn Meyers
Disciple of Prayer
It is sometimes so hard to know for sure if we are doing the right thing. I love someone very much. Slowly things unraveled and we were miserable. I am torn because I miss him terribly but don't want to go back to living in sin. I need direction from God and affirmation that leaving the relationship was the right thing to do. Although we both love God I don't think we gave God control. We lived together for a year out of wedlock. Some nights we had bible studies and others we used drugs. I never knew what kind of a day it would be until he got home. I wanted it to stop but couldn't not use when he picked up. I finally left because I wanted to live a more stable life. I want to live right for God. Was I wrong to leave and give up? Or was I right to not live with someone I'm not really married to in order to stop doing drugs and try to live for Jesus? I know all things work for good for those who love God and are called. But I miss the man i thought i was going to marry with my whole heart. On the up side my daughter and I are going to church and group Bible studies. I met 2 nice women of God that i can hopefully be mentored by. I have to trust God.