Humble Servant
Father God, we glorify you and in the blessed name of Jesus, we come to you asking for ourselves; and interceding for others, that You will be our Defense and Defender, in all matters that pertain to life and godliness. Today, we specifically pray that You God, will grant us justice in the area of housing, bless we your children and servants to be good neighbors/tenants/landlords, roommates, etc. and faithful stewards over what You entrust to us, with wisdom and discernment by Your precious Holy Spirit on where to move to/and or live/rent to, live with, etc. Bless us and favor us with good, and safe and affordable places/neighborhoods to live, where people are truly God-fearing, kind, hospitable, people of prayer and whom truly and sincerely walk in the love and justice of Christ Jesus. Father, we also ask that, you cause repentance, removal and/or replacement, and/or permanent shutdowns of these people, organizations, associations, incorporations, troublesome neighbors/tenants, gangs and companies that are shady, that are slumlords, lawlessly forcing good people out of their homes, neighborhoods, and/or places of living; and unfairly charging unnecessary/and or made up fees and charges for people to pay to satiate their own greed. We pray that You cause them to build and/or fix and properly maintain the places we need to live/live in. We pray that you bless us to deal with people whom are and will be fair and just and honest in their business dealings and that they will demonstrate concern with human well-being over money. Father God, for those of us that need adequate, stable, affordable and safe housing, urgently and desperately, we praise You that even now Lord that You have made the way for us and will lead us to that place soon. We pray that we may get our security fees, and/or any additional money we paid back, and not be charged with any made up fees, lies and or schemes from current landlords, security, tenants, maintenance and/or office staff, and that You will supply us with ample time to supply the necessary parties with a 30-60 day notice, (that they don't/won't conveniently lose and/or misplace). Father, we pray that we may not be billed, fined, sued, and/or threatened, intimidated, manipulated and/or taken to court over made up property damage charges, that we either already paid for, or are not responsible for. for the sake of them greedily and unjustly trying to get more money out of us. May You grant us with safe and smooth moves to the place that we can call our earthly home, where we can actually be and feel at home. All of this we ask You and praise You for in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!!