Christ Follower
Humble Prayer Warrior
TodsyI had an interview and got the job I am very happy and thanked God I will start tomorrow pray for me that this new job is great and pleasant pray that the environment is positive and that all the customers and co workers are nice to me at all times. If you read my previous posts you will know that I have been struggling to find a stable job because everytimd the environment is bad people are mean and jealous of me, pray that I everything goes well at the new job. The pay is low but I will make some tips pray that I make lots of tips daily. Pray that the customers tip me well everytime I work. Pray that the job is fun and pleasant and not too physical. I'm suppose to also do an internship today I will call the guy who is responsible to bring me to the location pray that he set an appointment this week to bring me there so I can
also start the internship asap this week. Pray that everything goes well for the internship as well. Pray that I get paid breaks at my job. Pray that I pass my permit and drivers license this year this summer. Pray that I get a car soon after getting my permit and drivers license. Pray that I make money and save money to do my permit, driver license get a car gas and car insurrance I also want to travel this summer with my mother. Pray that my mother sell all the rest of the merchandise she has clothes for men and women pray that she sells what's left before this summer. Pray that my mother gets her settlement soon and that the 2 home property cases are resolved and that she gets her settlement for each case. Pray that I get back to school soon like September. I'm also thinking about moving to a new state or spending half of the year in one state and the other half in another I know its crazy but I feel that the state where I live now did not bring me anything good I'm still struggling and not done with school abs I also can't tolerate the cold anymore. I'm also searching for a new apartment in the present state I live but its not easy its difficult pray that I find a brand new clean bigger and safe apartment soon by the summer when my mother is here so she can help me move and get rid of things I dong need. When me and my mother will to the other state we will alsobe looking into real estate please prat that we find a great deal and great location and amenities. Prat that we find a great brand new modern apartment, cinco or house there. I will also look for school over there pray that I find great schools to go to there. Pray for my health physical mental and emotional. Prat also for my mother and father's health. Pray that God always protect me my mother and my father. I have been asking to God for 3 years now to bring me my future true Christian husband so that I can meet him and getting to know him slowly so far nothing. I know exactly what I want him to be and his actions. I gave God plenty of details and specifics of him. I never met him yet so I dont know what he look like but I do know how he supposed to act because I ask God for him to be a certain the way u want him to be. Please pray for me that I meet him soon. I'm getting older not younger. I am feeling maybe he is not in this state maybe I
need to be in another state this is another reason why I think I should also travel. I just feel I'm wasting my time in this state now. There is no good looking men here they are all short ugly
and have no money to take care of me and dont
like commitment they don't want to get married they want to live in apartment and not get married even the christian ones are bad and just go to church to hook up and are not serious. They are very cheap and use women abs manipulate women. I refuse to be used by any man. I rather be single for the rest if it life. I even told God I don't think I want kids just a great true Christian and very responsibl husband
He has to loves me more and loves God and a god fearing man and a follower of Christ and the Bible true monogamist. Please pray that I meet him soon I want to meet him soon because I will not walk down the aisle in a week a month a year of knowing him I refuse to do what everyone is doing and then after 1 year all people have babies I refuse to do things the way the world is doing things. I want to meet him so we can take our time to get to know each
other and appreciate each other. He has to be a true Christian no talk about sex or never sex
pressuring. He has to be very supportive of my life school and many other things. Please all pray that I meet him soon this year now this spring or this summer. Thanks all!
also start the internship asap this week. Pray that everything goes well for the internship as well. Pray that I get paid breaks at my job. Pray that I pass my permit and drivers license this year this summer. Pray that I get a car soon after getting my permit and drivers license. Pray that I make money and save money to do my permit, driver license get a car gas and car insurrance I also want to travel this summer with my mother. Pray that my mother sell all the rest of the merchandise she has clothes for men and women pray that she sells what's left before this summer. Pray that my mother gets her settlement soon and that the 2 home property cases are resolved and that she gets her settlement for each case. Pray that I get back to school soon like September. I'm also thinking about moving to a new state or spending half of the year in one state and the other half in another I know its crazy but I feel that the state where I live now did not bring me anything good I'm still struggling and not done with school abs I also can't tolerate the cold anymore. I'm also searching for a new apartment in the present state I live but its not easy its difficult pray that I find a brand new clean bigger and safe apartment soon by the summer when my mother is here so she can help me move and get rid of things I dong need. When me and my mother will to the other state we will alsobe looking into real estate please prat that we find a great deal and great location and amenities. Prat that we find a great brand new modern apartment, cinco or house there. I will also look for school over there pray that I find great schools to go to there. Pray for my health physical mental and emotional. Prat also for my mother and father's health. Pray that God always protect me my mother and my father. I have been asking to God for 3 years now to bring me my future true Christian husband so that I can meet him and getting to know him slowly so far nothing. I know exactly what I want him to be and his actions. I gave God plenty of details and specifics of him. I never met him yet so I dont know what he look like but I do know how he supposed to act because I ask God for him to be a certain the way u want him to be. Please pray for me that I meet him soon. I'm getting older not younger. I am feeling maybe he is not in this state maybe I
need to be in another state this is another reason why I think I should also travel. I just feel I'm wasting my time in this state now. There is no good looking men here they are all short ugly
and have no money to take care of me and dont
like commitment they don't want to get married they want to live in apartment and not get married even the christian ones are bad and just go to church to hook up and are not serious. They are very cheap and use women abs manipulate women. I refuse to be used by any man. I rather be single for the rest if it life. I even told God I don't think I want kids just a great true Christian and very responsibl husband
He has to loves me more and loves God and a god fearing man and a follower of Christ and the Bible true monogamist. Please pray that I meet him soon I want to meet him soon because I will not walk down the aisle in a week a month a year of knowing him I refuse to do what everyone is doing and then after 1 year all people have babies I refuse to do things the way the world is doing things. I want to meet him so we can take our time to get to know each
other and appreciate each other. He has to be a true Christian no talk about sex or never sex
pressuring. He has to be very supportive of my life school and many other things. Please all pray that I meet him soon this year now this spring or this summer. Thanks all!
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