I NEED A REMOTE JOB... U.S, Citizen living in Philippines... 17 MO NO WORK OR UNEMPLOYMENT... 1st: "For our struggle is NOT against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities," Eph 6:12. These principalities know I tithe and in the Philippines, it would build churches and finance evangelists -- and we just were married a year ago November and just had a baby 2 months ago and need income. I ask for favor for an initial interview today (And For THE RIGHT JOB TO OPEN), with a company that offers a choice of straight commission or base plus a smaller commission, "better is the little of the righteous," Prov 16:8; "with favor Thou dost compass the righteous as a shield," Ps 5:12. We have been praying for the later, base plus smaller commission. I do better that way and am less nervous about selling and in fact, sell more and better that way. Please pray every conceivable device of the devil is demolished, "for the weapons of our warfare are not flesh and blood, but mighty through God to the destruction of strongholds and fortresses," 2 Cor 10:3-4. I ask for wisdom to study sales, interview questions and to ask the right questions. Please pray we put this 7 mo job search to bed -- that I pass all the interviews, am hired soundly, on-boarded, trained, set up direct deposit and get paid regularly. Cause "everything he puts his hand to prosper," Ps 1:3, in Jesus' Name