I have been struggling with a chocking feeling and discovered I have a large nodule and need to have it removed along with half of my thyroid. I am nervous about this surgery and am asking for prayers of healing and prayers to remove my anxiety and fear. It has been debilitating to been in a state of fear constantly from the time I wake up till I go to bed. I am also struggling with a lower back issue and need a fusion surgery. I am asking God to please heal me. I am not interested in back surgery but I am in constant pain. I am taking way to many pain pills and I need a resolution. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I feel like I am a burden on my family and friends because I always have something wrong with me. I just want to feel normal and have a normal life. I am 59 years old and see so many people my age in good health. I take supplements and am on the carnivore diet most of the time. I use non toxic make up, shampoo and other household items. I always considered myself to be an above average healthy person. I don't understand why these health issues are happening to me. Last year I polyps in my uterus, I also have a cyst on my liver. I try so hard to be healthy and I work in the nutrition field, yet I have these issues. I wonder sometimes is it worth it to try so hard to eat clean when I face issue after issue. Last year i was diagnosed with breast calcifications that they are watching, the year before uterine polyps. I know these things aren't death sentences but why am I gong through all this? What am i to learn? I feel the anxiety of it all is slowly taking me out. I am asking for prayers for me to find the help I need and the solutions to my health issues. I am constantly struggling and need Gods intervention. Thank you