My husband and I have been prayig to get pregnant since we were married 12yrs ago, We have started undering some infertility check and I am sup to have surg next week to clear out some cysts from pcos, check my tubes, and do a d/c. Wellmy hub had to undergo 2 semen analysis-both showed o sperm. so he had to go to a urologist and he is ref us to a specialist, he said my hub may never be able to produce sperm, but he said that they will do a biopsy to see if hes producing sperm, then go from there. We want a miracle. My hub is so depressed right now over this, we havent told anyone in the family or anything. I did speak to Gordan Roberts from 700 club, feb 10 last and he had a word that we would have a boy-so i am clinging to that and Gods word. So pls just pray for us its just a difficult issue, plus we have went through a lot this past year and we need a break, thank you for your prayers! GBU