Humble Prayer Warrior
I lived in sin for 55 years in which 25 years in financial bankruptcy, 20 years in suicidal attempts, 15 years in sickness, 7 years separation from wife & daughter & siblings, 2 years business shut down with big loss and all relatives and friends isolated me, my story is that of "Job" but Job was righteous man while I a wreched sinner. I was born a sinner from my childhood I had no good Shepherd or mentor to lead me to Jesus and I became the shadow of Satan but by the time I realized truth I was soaked deep into sin, these days we have social media & other sources to guide us into spiritual journey now whom to blame people around me when I was kid, myself or God for not giving me a good Shepherd. In 2023 I became a prodigal son realized my sins & guilt so decided to repent and return back to God through His son Jesus and it was like all power of hell broke lose against me I lost wealth, people, peace, health & almost lost relationship with God when evil whispered into me that God is a myth man made, His words are lies and doubted God & questioned God but thanks be to God He revealed Himself to me & I pray to God in mighty name of His beloved son Jesus to give me the spirit He gave to king David to destroy many Goliaths in my life. God made me in His image but I became the shadow of His enemy, "Jesus asked the blind man what do you want me to do for you and the blind man answered I want to see again and if Jesus asks me what I want from Jesus I want to tell Jesus I want once again the image and likeness of God in me & nothing else. Pls pray that I don't die before I see the finished work of my savior Jesus Christ in my life.