need LOTS of prayer for my dad he got his results back from the doctor they said his heart is dilated and it should be putting out at least 60% blood his only putting out 25% blood and he has to have a defibulator put on his heart he is in need of so much prayer so so so much prayer he is scared and he needs prayer so bad!! please kepp him in your prayers this is serious stuff!!!! but God has been there for him so many times adn i trust and in God i know he will make him ok and he will be well i know he will!!!!!! he goes to the doctor on thrusday my dads heart is worn out and he already has a pacemaker and now he will have this i pray everything goes great and he gets thru this and is amazingly healthy and that this is what he needs to get his heart healthy again and live a great life
please get a prayer chain goin for him please
the power of prayer is amazing and prayer in numbers is powerful!!
please get a prayer chain goin for him please
the power of prayer is amazing and prayer in numbers is powerful!!