Please pray for those who need JESUS to persue him and ask for forgiveness and truly get saved . My husband Aaron Ware wants to adopt my kids they are his step kids however he is a addict of drugs and alcohol and though his Been sober for 4 years thats not a cure for addiction he can go back any day and do that again ,and he has a bad temper he told me if we ever get divorced I would have to leave my home which was inherited to me by my parents and he has land that he says I can't touch at all if we divorce. However tonight he said he wanted ti adopt my kids get this we have been married for 6 years and his never mentioned this before and see his mom and dad live right next door to us and they have property next door and see his mom and dad all the time text me saying I need to spark my kids set them straight and they KNOW I don't do that to my kids nor am I addict either ,but see for 2 days his been saying he wants to adopt the kids and even said himself that way he can punish the kids himself and I couldn't do anything to STOP him and yet he read his Bible and attends church but then acts this way and also he yells and screams at me and the kids and my daughter is Alyssa Lafitte and my son is Alex Lafittte 9 years old they are my everything. When I told my husband that he couldn't adopt my kids he said he knows a lawyer that will forge signatures for him to adopt and it won't be legal and if that does happens I will have proof that it's forged cause I sign my name my way and also I will fire that lawyer also for forging my name and also see my kids have their real dad but they are not in the picture but the lawyer dosent even know my kids real daddy and the lawyer told my husband he would sign their names on the documents for aaron to adopt my kids however the names would be forged on that and just please pray GOD steps in and will get this lawyer out of the way and do know I will definitely have the lawyer fired and also my kids would have to say they want to be adopted by him and they don't trust me on that infact were here at my dads tonight cause my husband told me that the lawyer would forge names and it would cost 100 and that will definitely cause that lawyer to lose his job and his license as will but I need to JESUS to change my husband heart and his mean ways .he said if he got custody of the kids then he can punish the way he wants to punish them and I wouldn't be able to do anything however like i said I would never agree to that at all just please please pray JESUS steps in and that the lawyer dosent get any chance to even try to forge names to the document. My husband is mentally abusive to me and the kids I can go ask him simply how his day is and he yells curses and my dad tonight before he got me and my two babies told my husband Aaron W that the lawyer will lose not only his job but the lawyer would lose his license if he forges names on the papers and while my dad is saying this aaron curses at my daddy and screams at my daddy and my dad didn't even raise his voice at all and my husband dad told my dad I need to get my stuff and move out and that they don't want me over there anymore . I really need JESUS to help me and I need several prayers from all of you . My husband dad also says that my kids needs to be set in place and that I need to spank them more and harder and I don't even listen to thar but that does HURT me alot mentally and also that is another reason why I'm not stupid enough to let any of them have any rights to my 2 kids .GOD blessed me with them and he TRUST me and there are times when I have to get my daughter out of his way cause he spankes them so hard they had bruises and I jumped in and saved her from getting beat so bad . MY husband needs HELP like I said he goes to church reads the Bible but then acts like THIS and it's not right at all. I keep wanting JESUS to do something like get us in a better living situation or change my husband heart and he needs changing so bad ,my husband has bipolar and had addictions that can always resurface and he goes back to to doing that and when he would drink and do drugs he would punch whole in the walls slams doors so hard the crosses hanging on my wall would fall down. But please pray for me and my 2 kids please for safety and that my husband will drop the subject of trying to adopt my kids with a lawyer he knows who will fraud my hand writing and their dads handwriting that the lawyer never even met me or my kids or their real dads and my husband Aaron dosent know how my kids dad write his name and never ever met them either so the handwriting would be so easy to prove they been frauded but aaron needs JESUS and he needs to see where I am coming from as a mom I wasent ever supposed to have kids I had leukemia when I was 3 I went to st jude in Memphis they didn't even think I'd make it through the night and I did I'm 39 years old now leukemia free but the drs said I wouldn't be able to have any kids due to taking 3 years of chemotherapy but JESUS allowed ME to have my 2 kids that are his kids first but then mine and I know my kids truly are miracles and I want to do whatever I can with the help of JESUS and prayers and protect my miracle babies . Please pray for people to persue JESUS ask for forgiveness and get saved
thank you all