Prayer Partner
Prayers for my 16 year old son Jayden and my 24 year old daughter Janell - to plant a seed of seeking God in their hearts and be open to receive the good news. I am a rededicated Christian with my eyes on the Lord after falling and backsliding into the temptations and forgetting him for many years. My most devastating guilt comes from not raising my kids constantly with the Lord - I can almost remember the day I gave up and told God I couldn't do it anymore after the struggles with my rebellious husband and challenges of my son who is ADHD and under AUTISM spectrum. Rather than being a good example for my kids I gave-up the battle because I was doing it alone. Even though when they were little I instilled God with them, read their bible stories -when I myself let go and they have forgotten. I want to be released of this GUILT this is my CHILDREN in which I love dearly and I do not want one to perish because of my disobedience.
I trust in the LORD BECAUSE I have failed in so many ways as a parent, I need mercy that my God will make straight what is crooked. My son does not believe in anything and my daughter admitted being AGNOSTIC last night but neither will listen to me now so I have to rely on God to lead them to the light the way, the truth. I know a multitude of prayers have helped me so much here before with my struggles for my husband, so please help me send God's helpers to lift the veil over their eyes.
I pray this with a grievous heart <3 Praise God he answered my prayers and my husband is changed and dedicated to the Father. Thank you God for allowing me to live the life I have always wanted with a Christian man, and in the shelter of my saviour. I rejoice for 4 months our hearts and home set on the Lord in everything we both do together, and continuing to grow daily by example of our saviour Christ Jesus. We must feed on bread every single day to survive. Please pray for my husband to continue to seek the Lord and stay in the truth and that we strengthen each-other, he backslides easily and I have been seeing it start last few days.
Thank you brothers and sisters <3 God Bless you all for your kindness and prayers <3
Me and my son

I trust in the LORD BECAUSE I have failed in so many ways as a parent, I need mercy that my God will make straight what is crooked. My son does not believe in anything and my daughter admitted being AGNOSTIC last night but neither will listen to me now so I have to rely on God to lead them to the light the way, the truth. I know a multitude of prayers have helped me so much here before with my struggles for my husband, so please help me send God's helpers to lift the veil over their eyes.
I pray this with a grievous heart <3 Praise God he answered my prayers and my husband is changed and dedicated to the Father. Thank you God for allowing me to live the life I have always wanted with a Christian man, and in the shelter of my saviour. I rejoice for 4 months our hearts and home set on the Lord in everything we both do together, and continuing to grow daily by example of our saviour Christ Jesus. We must feed on bread every single day to survive. Please pray for my husband to continue to seek the Lord and stay in the truth and that we strengthen each-other, he backslides easily and I have been seeing it start last few days.
Thank you brothers and sisters <3 God Bless you all for your kindness and prayers <3
Me and my son