Happiness Noel
Servant of All
Navigating this forum help prayer!!! Lord I love this website as a place of shared love and help by Your people. But I don't know how to use it even though I have been on here for 5 + years. I dream of doing blogs, groups, things like that but right now I don't even know how to respond to people following me. I am praying for help and advice from others (no rush) as they see fit to communicate well about You and Your word and living in it well. Including prayer. I have read many books and articles on perfecting prayer and the Bible some 10 times as well. Still I feel so unfruitful and You know that Lord. Help me learn what I need to learn and walk in it to break out of the less then stellar Christian harvest I live in. I am happy, I am blessed, I am totally and completely saved and I am healthy so I am grateful. But back to this forum, I would like to learn the tech end of it. When I get more internet access (two weeks maybe?) I would like to blossom on here with more content to help others and do a Christian Master Knowledge Community on some topics maybe? Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer. I love You and I want to be better than what I am. Please help me break out of mediocrity to fruitful for Your kingdom and happiness spread in real life. Amen! Sent 1:31 pm EST from the east coast of the United States 3/16/2021 Tuesday. THANK YOU EVERYONE IN ADVANCE FOR ANY ADVICE.