Prayer Partner
Dear Friends and Prayer Team
My thanks for all your Previous Prayers.
However to get straight to the point. We as a family face a crisis at the moment!
Its to do with my wife's (###) uncontrolled and persistent urge to borrow funds from payday loan sharks and short term cash advance operatives at high rates of interest. She says she does this to help family members in the Philippines and pay her phone bills mainly (### bills) as well as to pay for her children's needs. This was all fine when she was well employed and had a large number of shifts. But unfortunately in the last couple of months her income has dropped due to the number of shifts she had being reduced by her employer. Now she struggles every week to meet the repayment demands of her creditors.
She has already borrowed up to $### from my son who recently received some inheritance money when he turned 18. My son is worried that he'll never get repaid by her. I have tried to assist her by telling her for years to just STOP borrowing money but she refuses stating that when she needs the funds she has no other choice but to turn to those loan sharks. I had told her that borrowing money when your income is good is setting yourself up for disaster as your circumstances and income can change but your debt won't and by borrowing more money you are just digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole but she won't listen. I also told her to walk away from the debt as she has no assets they can seize. But she worries about her credit rating which is already crap as it is, otherwise she would have easily got a car loan when she applied for one. Also her pride and ego are at stake with this solution.
This week she said she has a $### shortfall that she doesn't know how to meet. When I tried to talk her into abandoning the debt she got angry and we got into a heated argument at a time when I was coming down with a flu and had a splitting headache. I retreated to my son's room for some peace and to help him set up his Sharetrading account so that he could move some of his inheritance money into bank shares and make it less easy for my wife to coerce him into lending her more of his money to cover her shortfalls and therefore lose it into her black hole. She has been threatening to disown him if he refused to help her cover her shortfalls with his inheritance money!
After this argument she also threatened she would divorce me when my daughter turned 18. Something she already tried before but was unable to pull it off simply because she lacked the funds to do so as the lawyer requested $### up front to start proceedings against me. So the threat is not idle but only lacks the funding to carry out. Its all based on her ego and pride. Something a staunch Christian lady with a Christian upbringing shouldn't even be leaning into, but unfortunately modern day social media addiction and online ego boosting has overwhelmed her strict Christian values to the point no ones able to talk her out of it and she threatens anybody who tries even when we claim we are trying to help her get out of her debt and get her social and moral priorities back into order.
This is a situation I don't know what to do, and I'll require long term and persistent Prayer to overcome as I feel she is in the grip of the Enemy who has control of her mind and moral compass. She also doesn't have the wisdom to avoid scams and has already fallen victim to them including one where she lost about $### that she had manage to save through a joint group saving scheme, she said that money was fund an air fare to return to the Philippines where she hasn't returned for 19 years since she married me and came to Australia.
After she received the money instead of putting it in a fixed deposit account or other savings account until she needed it, she was tempted through a Facebook link to get another loan to help her family and that's where the originator of the scam coaxed her to send more and more funds which she claims were to set up the loan account by the time she found out it was a scam, it was too late the funds were unretrievable. If she had asked my opinion first or my advice I would have told her to stay away from it as it looked like a scam, but she never even thrusts me to ask my advice either which is why these scammers can get to her. Anyway by threatening her family trying to help her with divorce and disownment it doesn't endear us to assist her in anyway as we don't want to be threatened or yelled at or get into an argument. So she goes it alone digging herself into a bigger hole by the day.
Please Pray for God's Intervention to Please help resolve this issue. If it means bringing her to her knees through a calamity to show her that her pride and ego are nothing and her family are all that matters so be it.
Please Pray if it be God's will that he provide me the funds to clear her debts and get her out of her hole.
Please Pray that God will give my wife the Wisdom to stay away from Scammers and Scam offerings.
Please Pray that the Lord will break off the stranglehold of Social Media addiction and Online Ego boosting that the Enemy has on her.
Pray that the thought of Borrowing more funds from Payday loan sharks and Cash advance lenders will totally disgust her like rotten meat.
Pray that she'll stop threatening us (Her family with Divorce and disownment) when we try to help her or refuse to keep funding her debt spiral.
Pray That the Lord will show her maybe in a dream that she's completely left her Moral compass and needs to put her priorities straight again.
Pray for the Protection of the Lord over me and my Son as we face this difficult situation with my wife.
Pray for the Lord to give me Wisdom on how to handle things in this difficult time without escalating conflict with my wife.
I also need a separate Prayer for fine weather this Sunday for ###. Pray for fine weather in the Morning this Sunday in ###.
Also Pray for the Lord to heal me of this Flu which has come upon me this week so I can be ready to go to market again this weekend.
I Pray that this will all be answered according to God's Will and for His Glory In Jesus Name.
Thank you and God Bless You all.
My thanks for all your Previous Prayers.
However to get straight to the point. We as a family face a crisis at the moment!
Its to do with my wife's (###) uncontrolled and persistent urge to borrow funds from payday loan sharks and short term cash advance operatives at high rates of interest. She says she does this to help family members in the Philippines and pay her phone bills mainly (### bills) as well as to pay for her children's needs. This was all fine when she was well employed and had a large number of shifts. But unfortunately in the last couple of months her income has dropped due to the number of shifts she had being reduced by her employer. Now she struggles every week to meet the repayment demands of her creditors.
She has already borrowed up to $### from my son who recently received some inheritance money when he turned 18. My son is worried that he'll never get repaid by her. I have tried to assist her by telling her for years to just STOP borrowing money but she refuses stating that when she needs the funds she has no other choice but to turn to those loan sharks. I had told her that borrowing money when your income is good is setting yourself up for disaster as your circumstances and income can change but your debt won't and by borrowing more money you are just digging yourself a bigger and bigger hole but she won't listen. I also told her to walk away from the debt as she has no assets they can seize. But she worries about her credit rating which is already crap as it is, otherwise she would have easily got a car loan when she applied for one. Also her pride and ego are at stake with this solution.
This week she said she has a $### shortfall that she doesn't know how to meet. When I tried to talk her into abandoning the debt she got angry and we got into a heated argument at a time when I was coming down with a flu and had a splitting headache. I retreated to my son's room for some peace and to help him set up his Sharetrading account so that he could move some of his inheritance money into bank shares and make it less easy for my wife to coerce him into lending her more of his money to cover her shortfalls and therefore lose it into her black hole. She has been threatening to disown him if he refused to help her cover her shortfalls with his inheritance money!
After this argument she also threatened she would divorce me when my daughter turned 18. Something she already tried before but was unable to pull it off simply because she lacked the funds to do so as the lawyer requested $### up front to start proceedings against me. So the threat is not idle but only lacks the funding to carry out. Its all based on her ego and pride. Something a staunch Christian lady with a Christian upbringing shouldn't even be leaning into, but unfortunately modern day social media addiction and online ego boosting has overwhelmed her strict Christian values to the point no ones able to talk her out of it and she threatens anybody who tries even when we claim we are trying to help her get out of her debt and get her social and moral priorities back into order.
This is a situation I don't know what to do, and I'll require long term and persistent Prayer to overcome as I feel she is in the grip of the Enemy who has control of her mind and moral compass. She also doesn't have the wisdom to avoid scams and has already fallen victim to them including one where she lost about $### that she had manage to save through a joint group saving scheme, she said that money was fund an air fare to return to the Philippines where she hasn't returned for 19 years since she married me and came to Australia.
After she received the money instead of putting it in a fixed deposit account or other savings account until she needed it, she was tempted through a Facebook link to get another loan to help her family and that's where the originator of the scam coaxed her to send more and more funds which she claims were to set up the loan account by the time she found out it was a scam, it was too late the funds were unretrievable. If she had asked my opinion first or my advice I would have told her to stay away from it as it looked like a scam, but she never even thrusts me to ask my advice either which is why these scammers can get to her. Anyway by threatening her family trying to help her with divorce and disownment it doesn't endear us to assist her in anyway as we don't want to be threatened or yelled at or get into an argument. So she goes it alone digging herself into a bigger hole by the day.
Please Pray for God's Intervention to Please help resolve this issue. If it means bringing her to her knees through a calamity to show her that her pride and ego are nothing and her family are all that matters so be it.
Please Pray if it be God's will that he provide me the funds to clear her debts and get her out of her hole.
Please Pray that God will give my wife the Wisdom to stay away from Scammers and Scam offerings.
Please Pray that the Lord will break off the stranglehold of Social Media addiction and Online Ego boosting that the Enemy has on her.
Pray that the thought of Borrowing more funds from Payday loan sharks and Cash advance lenders will totally disgust her like rotten meat.
Pray that she'll stop threatening us (Her family with Divorce and disownment) when we try to help her or refuse to keep funding her debt spiral.
Pray That the Lord will show her maybe in a dream that she's completely left her Moral compass and needs to put her priorities straight again.
Pray for the Protection of the Lord over me and my Son as we face this difficult situation with my wife.
Pray for the Lord to give me Wisdom on how to handle things in this difficult time without escalating conflict with my wife.
I also need a separate Prayer for fine weather this Sunday for ###. Pray for fine weather in the Morning this Sunday in ###.
Also Pray for the Lord to heal me of this Flu which has come upon me this week so I can be ready to go to market again this weekend.
I Pray that this will all be answered according to God's Will and for His Glory In Jesus Name.
Thank you and God Bless You all.