My username Durkloto and my email address is My
actual joining date is 25/12/2020,with username TRUTH PREVAILS with as email address. According to my profile this
email address is no more valid.I really do not understand as to why you
always send me Prayer Request and Devotions with this invalid email
address. Kindly update my account status as follows:1. email address 2. username TRUTH PREVAILS or Durkloto (kindly note
that these accounts are for one person, kindly use one username) 3.Joining
date 25/12/2020.You are cordially requested to make these changes to avoid
these confusion. Tha
actual joining date is 25/12/2020,with username TRUTH PREVAILS with as email address. According to my profile this
email address is no more valid.I really do not understand as to why you
always send me Prayer Request and Devotions with this invalid email
address. Kindly update my account status as follows:1. email address 2. username TRUTH PREVAILS or Durkloto (kindly note
that these accounts are for one person, kindly use one username) 3.Joining
date 25/12/2020.You are cordially requested to make these changes to avoid
these confusion. Tha