Beloved of All
GOING down the tubes!!! For anyone who does not live in California.. IF you think the hell on earth "PIT" that California is in WILL NOT affect YOU...IF you live in U.S.A. or NOT THIS horrible state that has been my home since birth AND I love.. is 100% BEING DESTROYED BY the EVIL lying, corrupt (who constantly use and manipulate EVEN people in their OWN party!!!!) DEMOCRATIC "leaders" (who HATE true Americans!!!!) and the MOST horrible and evil (don't let your eyes be deceived!!!) Governor WE HAVE ever had!!! The games he plays to get people to like him!!!! Give people TAXPAYER earned money, EXTREMELY against Christianity, Has made up some FAKE MEDICAL help for poor and elderly (who cannot fight for themselves!!!) saying they get a doctor... More than a year wait for a doctor!!!! I was diagnosed WRONG several times!!! They STRONGLY promote DEI. The doctor I say didn't want to help me because I AM white. Did not know what an MRI is!?!!!!! I've been SO scared to go to the doctor as has MANY of my friends and neighbors..WHO by the way have NEVER been racist in any way shape or form and in fact many of us have mixed races families and marriages. California is practically the WHOLE Western BORDER of the USA. Why doesn't someone help us get these people who are here illegally and hate America ..OUT??!! Many nationalities of American live here and are NOT like that,BUT MANY ARE and obviously have made it to high enough places to change our laws to GO THEIR WAY now!!! When (if) you pray for miracles for California, YOU are praying for THE safety of ALL of the U.S.A. IF evil people continue to steal this land here.. THEY will have destroyed YOUR whole WESTERN border of YOUR Country ALSO. Not trying to freak anyone OUT. BUT this is the FACTS!!! The MAJORITY of Californians ARE HATERS of True America. They HATE Pilgrims, they hate George Washington, they HATE ALL things WHITE AND ALL things FOREFATHERS and MOTHERS.. 100% ENEMIES of Our GOD given beautiful Country and FIGHT and Abuse us everyday!!!!! HELP