Our soul should raise a beautiful song to our Maker Who sent us here to earth to praise and glorify His holy name. Let us all stand in a sure and eternal ground where we shall lift our voice to the Lord who made heaven and earth. My soul peels out praises to His holy name.
Jesus come and fill Your lambs.
O Jesus, we need You today.
We will need You forever more.
Just let the Son of God unfold you.
Let Him feel your hearts and satisfy your soul
O let Him the things that holds you.
Let the Spirit of God fall on your life.
O Jesus, o Jesus. come and fill your lambs.
We shall forever praise, honor and glorify Thee.
For You alone are worthy of all praise, all honor and all glory. The souls of those who seek Thy face will lift up to heaven and start glorifying Your name wherever they are.
Breath upon us o Lord, as we lift our hands and surrender to You name most High, I am yielding to Your Spirit, walking in Your love, Jesus I adore, yes, Jesus I adore Your holy name.
Let us all remember what John wrote about this issue......
The hour is coming, and now is when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
John 4.23
As for me, Jesus I will adore your holy name forever and ever.
Jesus come and fill Your lambs.
O Jesus, we need You today.
We will need You forever more.
Just let the Son of God unfold you.
Let Him feel your hearts and satisfy your soul
O let Him the things that holds you.
Let the Spirit of God fall on your life.
O Jesus, o Jesus. come and fill your lambs.
We shall forever praise, honor and glorify Thee.
For You alone are worthy of all praise, all honor and all glory. The souls of those who seek Thy face will lift up to heaven and start glorifying Your name wherever they are.
Breath upon us o Lord, as we lift our hands and surrender to You name most High, I am yielding to Your Spirit, walking in Your love, Jesus I adore, yes, Jesus I adore Your holy name.
Let us all remember what John wrote about this issue......
The hour is coming, and now is when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
John 4.23
As for me, Jesus I will adore your holy name forever and ever.