My smart phone, my laptop computer, my tablet and my cellular belongs to Jesus. He has given to me and I I shall use them to call all of my friends, coworkers and those who suffer cardiac arrest, are sorrowful because a loved one has died or are full of depression and cannot sleep well. These people need Gods presence and love in their lives. My house also belongs to God. My duplex and my farm it is give to Jesus for Camp Meetings and to be used for Gods glory and honor. Nothing have I brought to this world and nothing will I take it out from here. So, Jesus will direct me what to do and use them for Gods glory. My stock and bonds and all my CDs will be used to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked and to use for gas visiting the sick and those who are in jail. Please pray for chaplains in jails to be more active in saving souls of sinners who need Gods love and mercy in their lives. This we pray in Jesus name. Amen