Beloved of All
My relationship with Paul all is blessed in every single way protected in every single way flourishes in every single way he can't stop thinking of me he can't wait to see me he can't wait to be with me be close to me every single part of him lights up incredibly when he thinks of me sees me with me looks at me close to me right now always in jesus name he is incredibly madly deeply incredibly in love with every single part of me more more than he has ever ever ever felt before experanced before that ge feels it very very strongly very very intensely in every single part of him his mind his emotions his whole body he he asks me out in lots lots dates he tells md he loves me is so incredibly deeply in love with me he asks me to marry him he proposes to me to me in 2023 he wants to be with me only Me forever he tells me this he shows me this abundantly he only ever ever has eyes for me ever always he wants to be forever close to me only me in jesus christ namess