Bawine (Nawal)
Disciple of Prayer
Thank you you so much my Family in Christ, I have sent two prayers request and I was going through a very very difficult time with Debts, Evil dreams. I prayed everyday to Our Father YAWEH Through the name of my Lord JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, I told God please show me who are the witches that are making my life miserable an I began to see them in my dreams one by one I saw two of my Aunties from my mum's family( They were in the bus driving me and two of them to I don't know where and we got to a place and we stopped, and one of my auntie was telling me look I have 3 pots of food for us, she said I hide the behind the bus so you eat yours and we will eat ours, so immediately after we ate I found myself and them in another place and I was holding my 5year old Son and the same auntie that gave me food had a basin of water and inside it had a baby crocodile that it's skin was new and glossy, and in the basin also was dirty things too and my auntie said when you ask for anything in this basin it will give you anything you want in life and I backed out because I knew what she they were doing wasn't Godly so I went a little far away from them on the opposite direction with my son , where we were able to see them on the other side of that road and me and my son saw a gost on the window inside a room they were close to and it disappeared quickly so my son was so shocked and all of a sudden a square steel box was Infront of us so I started rebuking in Jesus name and spirits of people I didn't know started flying out of the steel box before you know it I woke up and it was 4am).
I saw one young lady (my neighbor and in the dream I hold her tight and told her how did you get in my house when I locked all the doors, in the dream she was so ashamed she could not answer, she kept looking down she looked so embarrassed and surprised how I was able to see her and I began rebuking her with the name of Jesus and I woke up still rebuking her and it was 3:40am).
Another witch is someone that wanted to rent a wedding dress from me for his fiance, he was an old friend of my boy friend, and from nowhere this old friend sent me a video that he was in his witch crafty room doing steaming sticks on top of burning charcoal and I sent a message asking him what's the meaning of this he never replied, and days after he sent Asalaam Aleikum( an Arabic greeting) I wanted to see where it will end so I replied and he stayed quiet and third time he did the same thing he sent me the Arabic greeting and I replied to see what he will do next), I prayed to God I don't ever want to hear this man or hear him in my life again ever. And now he is looking to get close to my boyfriend by complaining to my boyfriend's brother that why my boyfriend is not communicating with him anymore, it's because we all know he is a witch.
Another Witch was a man my neighbor, he is a Witch Doctor everyone knows, First on this day there was a cat since in the morning to night time this cat was crying very wiredly when it never happens but that day I woke up late while sleeping I heard a voice saying ( Asalaam Aleikum) and I said to my self I will not reply before you know it I woke up and heard the cat crying so wiredly, and I talked to my pastor so we prayed for 20litres of water and I was going to splash that water all over the house and the witch doctor was passing by with another witch doctor and the other witch doctor said (Asalaam Aleikum) it reminded me the Asalaam Aleikum voice I heard in the morning, I never replied too, when I went to sleep I dreamt in my dream he was wearing an outfit like he was very smart going to some party or something he was standing non the middle of my land where I build my small little house, when I woke up in the morning I asked myself why did I dream about him?! Well when you are at my house you can see the witch doctor's house from my kitchen window, I saw them putting up tents on this day and they invited lots of people with lots of food and these guests sang very wired songs we could not understand and they were clapping and one of the guests was wearing like a serious witch doctor he was wearing Red fabrics with vibuyu (calabashes). Then I new it was because of this event that's why I dreamt of him wearing like a party dressing.
I live in ###, it's an African atmosphere so you can get the picture.
My Brothers and sisters keep Running to Our Father YAWEH THROUGH THE NAME OF HIS SON JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, because evil powers are real once God is beside you trust me nothing will even dare to come close to you please read (Psalms121).
Thank you my family in Christ for creating this lovely platform for everyone to join in prayers together so we don't feel alone, May God bless you everyday of your lives. And Thank you so much for everyone that prayed with me. Thank you so so Much may YAWEH shower you with blessings,love and protection in the name of my LORD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. ÀMEN.
I saw one young lady (my neighbor and in the dream I hold her tight and told her how did you get in my house when I locked all the doors, in the dream she was so ashamed she could not answer, she kept looking down she looked so embarrassed and surprised how I was able to see her and I began rebuking her with the name of Jesus and I woke up still rebuking her and it was 3:40am).
Another witch is someone that wanted to rent a wedding dress from me for his fiance, he was an old friend of my boy friend, and from nowhere this old friend sent me a video that he was in his witch crafty room doing steaming sticks on top of burning charcoal and I sent a message asking him what's the meaning of this he never replied, and days after he sent Asalaam Aleikum( an Arabic greeting) I wanted to see where it will end so I replied and he stayed quiet and third time he did the same thing he sent me the Arabic greeting and I replied to see what he will do next), I prayed to God I don't ever want to hear this man or hear him in my life again ever. And now he is looking to get close to my boyfriend by complaining to my boyfriend's brother that why my boyfriend is not communicating with him anymore, it's because we all know he is a witch.
Another Witch was a man my neighbor, he is a Witch Doctor everyone knows, First on this day there was a cat since in the morning to night time this cat was crying very wiredly when it never happens but that day I woke up late while sleeping I heard a voice saying ( Asalaam Aleikum) and I said to my self I will not reply before you know it I woke up and heard the cat crying so wiredly, and I talked to my pastor so we prayed for 20litres of water and I was going to splash that water all over the house and the witch doctor was passing by with another witch doctor and the other witch doctor said (Asalaam Aleikum) it reminded me the Asalaam Aleikum voice I heard in the morning, I never replied too, when I went to sleep I dreamt in my dream he was wearing an outfit like he was very smart going to some party or something he was standing non the middle of my land where I build my small little house, when I woke up in the morning I asked myself why did I dream about him?! Well when you are at my house you can see the witch doctor's house from my kitchen window, I saw them putting up tents on this day and they invited lots of people with lots of food and these guests sang very wired songs we could not understand and they were clapping and one of the guests was wearing like a serious witch doctor he was wearing Red fabrics with vibuyu (calabashes). Then I new it was because of this event that's why I dreamt of him wearing like a party dressing.
I live in ###, it's an African atmosphere so you can get the picture.
My Brothers and sisters keep Running to Our Father YAWEH THROUGH THE NAME OF HIS SON JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, because evil powers are real once God is beside you trust me nothing will even dare to come close to you please read (Psalms121).
Thank you my family in Christ for creating this lovely platform for everyone to join in prayers together so we don't feel alone, May God bless you everyday of your lives. And Thank you so much for everyone that prayed with me. Thank you so so Much may YAWEH shower you with blessings,love and protection in the name of my LORD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. ÀMEN.