Chris M.
My prayers and wishes for all of your requests, prayers, and problems to all be solved by our Lord. l ask that you pray for my family and neighbors. There are many homeless people and drug abusers frequenting our street and the one behind us at night. They are sitting in people's yards, using their water, getting into the refuse cans, and stealing also. We call the police, the neighbors call, and the convenience store and fast-food restaurant call. These vagrants go away for a while, but then come right back. I been asking this one man not to be smoking and leaving his beer cans/bottles, and trash in my yard. He starts cussing at me and the neighbors/threatening us. The police can't always chase them away from our yard, the neighbors, or the local businesses all the time. Another woman, came up to our porch smoking an sitting, like she lived here. We asked her to leave, she too started getting smart. Now she is going to other people's yards as well? Please pray for the safety of our home, family, yard, property and our neighbors/business around us. Please pray for these vagrants to seek help or that someone will help all of us, to re-locate these vagrants to a shelter or some other resource. We are scared trying to talk to them nicely, they are not wearing masks, and are coughing, and coming too close to all our homes. I fear for the elder family and neighbors, the children, and even for us younger generation, with the safety either physically, and/or health wise because of these vagrants. Pray the Lord to help us all about this matter. Thanks and God Bless.