Disciple of Prayer
My Prayer Points - [ ] Thank you Lord for my life and family, please Lord, satisfy us with long life in Jesus name. - [ ] Lord, put an everlasting end to lack and insufficient in my life and that of my family. - [ ] Promote and BLESS my husband as You alone can. - [ ] Give my husband open doors and bless him with that which money can buy and that which money cannot buy. - [ ] Cause us to move into our own home, no more rented apartments. - [ ] Put an end to paying rent to landlords and make us landlords our selves in Jesus name - [ ] Make our children excellent in their studies ALL the days of their lives. - [x] Make this academic year smooth for both them, and especially for our daughter, cause her to settle in primary 2 school smoothly and excel, let her not struggle in any way. - [ ] Protect and shield my children from COVID 19 as they resume school. - [ ] Lord let my mother enjoy the fruits of her labour in Jesus Mighty Name. - [ ] Make my mum’s health spring forth, heal her legs, curse glaucoma and high blood pressure and let her live in plenty in Jesus name. - [ ] Make LB a household name all over the nations of the world to the glory of your name in Jesus name. - [ ] Bless me and make all the ideas you have given me come to fusion in Jesus name. Father direct my path concerning the photography business idea you have given me - [ ] Father bless my husband and I with our own personal home to a more beautiful, nice, spacious home with water, good roads and electricity and security. Safety is of the Lord, continue to protect and shield my family from ALL evil and harm’s way all the days of our lives in Jesus Mighty name. - [ ] Sort our children’s school fees ANNUALLY every session, without any delays in Jesus Name!! - [ ] Cause my marriage to be BLISSFUL ALL the days of my life in Jesus name. - [ ] Satisfy my husband and I early Lord. - [ ] Bring to fusion I Pet 5:10 in our lives, this year in Jesus name. - [ ] I bring my ALL my siblings to you Lord save them all, help each and everyone of them and save their families in Jesus name. - [ ] Put an end to lack, strife, enmity and jealousy in my family!! Let your love dwell in our hearts for one another. - [ ] Let my father’s burial go well and smoothly. let everyone and everything align to your and your purpose come to pass in Jesus Name. - [ ] ALL that you have ordained for my life, Lord cause me to fulfill your purpose for my life and walk in Your calling on this earth. - [ ] Make me a blessing to children irrespective of their presentations, neurotypical or with additional needs. - [ ] Grant me WISDOM at ALL times in Jesus name!! - [ ] Bless my husband and I with new cars in Jesus name. - [ ] Make my husband and I employer of labour and make us a blessing unto others in Jesus name. - [ ] Give us indigenous ideas to the glory of your name Lord!!! - [ ] Make my life count for You Lord. - [ ] Make my marriage BLISSFUL and count in eternity. - [ ] Let me and my household serve You, Jehovah ALL the days of our lives in Jesus name!!!! - [ ] Cause us NOT to MISS Heaven no matter what, do whatever it will take for us not to miss the mark in Jesus name. - [ ] Please LORD have MERCY, let Your mercies prevail at ALL times over my life and family in Jesus name, AMEN!! - [ ] And so shall it be in Jesus Name, Amin Jesu!!!! - [ ] Lord I submit to your plan, I SURRENDER All to you Daddy in Jesus Mighty Name!!!!!