Beloved of All
My phone from assurance wireless comes in to my new address doesnt get returned no thieves near my dwelling ever new great news phone new top of the line phone a Giant Blessing fast as coffee heb 4:12 then 12;12 they call with no drama the phone is sent thru ups doesnt get lost easily finds the house for phone delivery no worries. i get my hearts desires husband who can love me adore me im attracted to thar is a good thing gifts given to me for needs met easily help w rent Gods will no drama no delay no setback Deut28:59 no loud noise to hurt me dna based. no one in my family husbands that didnt make it to me from not being able to breathe raped to death dont sell themselves death from rape isnt allowed to b done ever again justice judgement now for us all Job 38:12 morniing is Gods judgement shake the wickedness off the Earth until the evil doers dont exsist period weapons corndogs your hated by the Lord. i get great communication w everyone my son has a great bday every year he has his needs met and myself family to dna based phone bank accounts all great news fast as coffee no tormentors wishes that r a good thing come true miracles today great dayyyyyyyy dna based Buenos Diazzzzz dna based thank u Lord for today in advance for what u have done and doing . my nails air apperance healed my nails dont break im well moving greatly no anxiety plz help comes from the Lord easily. Deut28;13 Tailed weapons corndogs byeeeee isa 54;17 weapons corndogs no prospering at all in any area dna based they suck to suck no paddle even no skateboard no car no roller skates no home no place to rent no phone no communication no voice no one cares about them period no boat no bike to ride ever again thieves dont exsist just no way to breathe near me my family dna based forever no gates open Ezek all of it now into exsistence in Jesus Name amen