Regretfully, [ A compilation of communiques for pre- AND post- cancer ]
I have found some websites with information on alternative approaches to combating cancer!
Here are a couple of sites with information about Essiac tea:
1. and
2. http://www.naturalne...unotherapy.html]
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a free video conference
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Sent December 05, 2013 - 2:06 AM [ FORWARDED ]
Hello Mike,
The people who ran the cancer summit are doing a free video conference. You just need to register, and the link to register is in the email that I received below.
They said we should be able to go back and watch these at our leisure.
Hope you are healing, slowly but surely,
Wow! They've done it again.....รขโฌ
Bill Henderson (
To: Nancy
My loyal readers,
I am delighted to inform you about a free video series our friends over at The Panacea Community and Integrated Health International have put together for you.
This video series has never been done before in this format and is highlighting some of the leading Doctors and researchers in the integrative cancer medicine, cancer research, cancer prevention, health, and healing arenas and asking their best advice about integrative solutions to cancer.
Register Free for This Video Series Today:
This new video series is a follow up to the hugely popular Cure to Cancer Summit that took place back in September-October of this year, and is hosted and managed by the same dedicated people who pulled together 27 leading experts (including me) into one online international event. They shared empowering insights around cancer during a free two week tele-summit. These folks are serious about getting you health information you can use.
They've now taken it to the next level with this video series and are dedicated to bringing you leading edge insights and information to support your journey towards health and well being.
Simply enter your name and email and get ready for never before released videos with leading experts on integrative solutions to cancer.
As part of their mission to help millions of people get access to this empowering information, they are asking that you share this with as many people as possible.
Help a loved one with the information you learn, and pass it on to others.
I am always excited to be helping connect you with other experts and options available for preventing, healing, and overcoming cancer, and this is, no question about it, top of the line information.
I hope it helps support your journey towards health and healing.
Don't wait. The videos are starting soon. Register now:
Bill Henderson, Author and Cancer Coach
Once you register for this video series, you will also be first in line to hear about a brand new book and CD set being released that will change the world forever. Go here for all the details: