My new landlord Howard not only called his security men to install
even more camera's at this building
He then called a 24 Hour Towing / Impound Company Service
to tow away all cars that are not supposed to park by or under
his building where he allows his tenants to park their cars
Then yesterday there was a U-Haul Rental Truck in the parking lot
taking up too much space
A tenant came home & went ballistic & called Howard My New Landlord
about it while i was trying to park my car
And Big Metal Signs Had Been Put Up Everywhere On His Two Apartment Buildings Yesterday To Warn Everyone...
Then there was a whole parking lot war & one of the tenants
was screaming that if Howard is now going to tow unauthorized cars away
she is going to block the parking lot driveway so no one can get thru
I came home from grocery shopping & it was World War Three outside
Howard's 2 Apartment Buildings & all i really wanted to do was put
my groceries away & hide
Meantime i am dropping all my groceries in the parking lot
Then a man came down to help me who just happened to have been
the person who illegally parked his U-Haul Truck on Howard's Premises
And then everyone was on their cell phones arguing outside
I am not exactly sure what to ask for prayer about here
I am still hiding out in my apartment as i write this & trying to maintain a very very very low profile like i do not exist
Maybe Ask The Holy Spirit How To Resolve This So There Is Peace At Last
Mamma-Mia In Jesus's Name
Amen ( Yikes
This just get's more & more confusing...
even more camera's at this building
He then called a 24 Hour Towing / Impound Company Service
to tow away all cars that are not supposed to park by or under
his building where he allows his tenants to park their cars
Then yesterday there was a U-Haul Rental Truck in the parking lot
taking up too much space
A tenant came home & went ballistic & called Howard My New Landlord
about it while i was trying to park my car
And Big Metal Signs Had Been Put Up Everywhere On His Two Apartment Buildings Yesterday To Warn Everyone...
Then there was a whole parking lot war & one of the tenants
was screaming that if Howard is now going to tow unauthorized cars away
she is going to block the parking lot driveway so no one can get thru
I came home from grocery shopping & it was World War Three outside
Howard's 2 Apartment Buildings & all i really wanted to do was put
my groceries away & hide
Meantime i am dropping all my groceries in the parking lot
Then a man came down to help me who just happened to have been
the person who illegally parked his U-Haul Truck on Howard's Premises
And then everyone was on their cell phones arguing outside
I am not exactly sure what to ask for prayer about here
I am still hiding out in my apartment as i write this & trying to maintain a very very very low profile like i do not exist
Maybe Ask The Holy Spirit How To Resolve This So There Is Peace At Last
Mamma-Mia In Jesus's Name
Amen ( Yikes

This just get's more & more confusing...

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