maria mccarthy
Disciple of Prayer
this man drinks and sells drugs. has custody of his two girls ages 10 and 15. he beat his wife and i helped her move out. he rents. i own. i work nights as a nurse and my husband dayshift. we have a son with autism and insulin dependent diabetes. nightly he plays loud music(my sons room is just a few feet away.. his friends changed my address to 666. i work down the street and on my days off they egg my new car. this has been going on for 6 years. i have talked to him but he simply doesn't care and owns the neighborhood. we cant afford to move. his rent is cheap and his landlord doesnt care either. the police only make matters worse. he needs prayer for healing from alcohol and drugs thaat are used nightly. his children need to be with their mother and we need peace in our home. he effects my job, my sick patients and our lives. please pray with me for eddie, cj and rheannin