Disciple of Prayer
my name is tracey and i am 20 years old, and i am currently in an lpn program and i feel like i am sinking beyond help the first semester was hard and the second semester i just entered is even harder ive never been a good test taker but coming close to the middle of the first half of class i was able to pull my grades up my test taking skills have gotten better and now that i have moved into the second half of class it has just gotten harder i feel like i take a test and i know the material but the end result is still a fail i have asked fellow classmates for help with studying but no one is willing to go beyond their down time and help our time to do anything but study and eat or sleep is limted so in all i dont believe god has brought me through this program this far to leave me and i intend to continue to pray every night as i do and work hard at my school work but nothing is wrong with asking for a little bit of help i just want to humbly ask that you please pray for my success in this class there is nothing i want more in life than to become a nurse and help take care of others i love putting a smile on someone elses face and giving them the best care that i can and i believe extra prayer can go a long way please pray for me i ask and thank you to all who even took the time out to read this long message god bless to you all.