My name is Sebastian and I don't even know where to start... The enemy has attacked many organs in my body. I've got a kind of brain tumor/malformation, kidney problems, heart problems, stomach, joints, bladder, prostate, testicles, lungs (because of a very short smoking episode) teeth, jawbone, ears, immune system and my back are also affected. I'm constantly tired. I hope I've mentioned all I remember right now. Because of taking many supplements that were supposed to help me, my liver is also problematic because of their toxicity, which is completely my fault. Moreover, my girlfriend also has brain disease which affects her sight and causes a kind of epilepsy. Lately she had very mysterious symptoms, when she started to feel really cold, then she started to feel hot, next she almost lost consciousness and at the end had a panic attack. The paramedics couldn't find anything wrong. She also had her gallbladder removed two years ago with some complications and because of that, she needs to be very careful about what she can and cannot eat. Her family is also very prone to cancer. Her godfather currently fights with cancer and is currently suffering tremendously. He can die any moment... I really hope you can help us. We are a young couple of 24 and 28. I've been sending this prayer request to many, many ministries, but with no effect so far. Thank you so much for your prayer. Best regards and God bless You.