Disciple of Prayer
My name is Jane, my prayer request: 1. I want God to intervene in the academics of my friend- Nenmane Precious Chorbak. She applied for remarking of her professional exam.. I want God to grant her favour and so her mercy. 2. She is going through a lot of battles right now and my heart goes out to her. She's been having series of dreams of attacks and battles coming from every angle. I want God's intervention in her life and family and whatever evil agenda be frustrated in her life and deliverance come to her family. I also want to thank God, I sent my prayer request sometime in February, God grantes my fellowship passes because it's been a long time that any medical student scale through the 2nd MBBS exam-professional exam.. God did it and I am so grateful and express my gratitude to him for all this. I thank God also for this fire altar, for the set man and woman and the men helping his hands may God can to bless and increase you. Thank you Jesus