Disciple of Prayer
On June 5th my Mother Marcia Castaneda miraculously survived a ruptured brain aneurysm and the risky surgery to repair it. Since then, we have stood at her bedside in prayer as she recovers in the ICU. The process has been a roller coaster ride. Earlier this week her medical team attempted to replace the ventilator with a trachea tube for more comfort. There were complications and this procedure was unsuccessful. As her family, the “human” side of us was frustrated and disappointed that she did not get relief from a successful procedure. Now as the days have gone on, we understand that this is all on Gods time. She has been able to rest and regain strength in order to try again. Tomorrow morning they will be starting the procedure again. I ask all of you Angels to please join me in prayer of the tracheotomy being successful so that her healing can continue! And God bless this nursing team. They have been earth Angels!!!
Tiffani (Marcia’s daughter)
Tiffani (Marcia’s daughter)