Humble Prayer Partner
Father the holy father in the name of your son I request to please save me from this depression .Please father take away all my worry. i am hiding my self in company just because my mother is ill any time I need to rush to her please god take care of her give her a good health .she is all alone making her own food. take her lonelyness away. Give her a good thoughts through away all negativity from my home. give her a reason to live a health life. make her thoughts ,views good. Please god i am very afrid i can lost my job any time I dont want to leave. I need a good project to work on. Last year my whole year had gone in vain. This year please god make me work hard and tension free from mothers iillness . please god bless her with your holy blood so that no evil sprit can make her or me depressed. help us god help me.