Humble Servant of All
me and mom constantly quarrel. so tire dof quarreling . please help us love oen another Lord. please help my mom to love me and let no grudge be between us. we are caregivers to my grandma who is bedridden. i feel weak. yes i dont always behave perfectly but im under a lot fo stress. the pressure to be always perfect is very difficult especially when in this very difficult situation. please pray for my grandmas healing in Christ Jesus especially her lungs and not getting waste out demencia and bowels and expecially blood pressure circulation and heart troucbles. pelase pray God helps me and my mom to love one another and not quarrel all the time. im so exhausted form fighting. im very exhasuted . Lrd please heal my mom and dleiver my fmaily form all sickness and disease. hela my mom in every way giver her hope and dleiver her form depressionbitterness and resentment. please do the same for me. Lor dplease miraculusly intervene with your Hoyl blood upon my family and deliver our family form all evil all manner of sickness and disease please Lord Jesus Christ please dleive rus form all manner of sickness and disease including my dad too brother his wife and family and also Vilike. please pur your hOly spirit upon all flesh. please may all know You Lord. please protect us all form all manner of evil and dleive rus and heal us . Please destroy the works of satan in the world Lord Jesus Christ. please reserrectthe dead and please heal those who are sick and please please give the poorwhat they need. Lor dplease odnt let poverty be upon anyone nor sickness nro illness nro death. save us all Lord and dliever my fmaiyl out of the hands of the devil in every way. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. please prtectour hearts and minds and words . Please helpp us. forgiv eout sins. Lord im so tired.. please give me and my fmaily and all people life. please guide lal people with your holy spirit. force us to do oyur will. Lord please odnt let the presure make me become sinful. Please dleiver me form sinful desires and do so for all my fmaily and all people. Please save all peopel and dleiver this world form covid and all its variants. deliver this world form pestilence , every evil spirit and please heal all the sick. please Lord. Please miraculously intervene on this planet we need you. I need you. Lord give us life please. ll praise Glory and HOnour got you Lord God almghty Lord Jesus Christ. Lord of Lords King of Kings. have emrcy. please please give us life . protect us form the devil and his lies and traps. lead up not itno temptations. Lord reveal your presence to me and lalpeople strongly today. deliver my grandma form alle vil spirits. dleiver her form demenca and dleiver her form bloo d prssur eproblems and bring helaing to all her flesh. Please heal mymothers flesh. Lord make all our taks super easy. Lord aksing oyu to please help me with my taks. Im overhwlemed. and hela my dad lungs weight problems heart.. sweelign of body.. give him goods wid and dliever him form blood sugar sissues bone issues. touch him Lord HJesus christ otuch his shoulder his lungs his whole body and dleiver him form all evil spirits. pur your Love utno us all Lord God almighty.Please may my fmaily experince oyur love blessing and favour. i pray this for allpeopel too. Lord. deliver our genes our himes our lives our souls our emitions minds and bodies and herts form the devil int he name above ll names I ask according to Your Will Lord in the nam of the Lord Jesus Christ. please forgive our sins. please giv eus peace. dont elt me sin. help me enjoy life. not stress. less stress please i beg you. Pleasye please dont let the devil in out home or faily in any way. Please Lord Jesus Christ please. Thank You. All praise glory and Honour is Yours.