Humble Servant of All
my mom and i are always fighting. im so tired Lord please intervene help please Lord Jesus Christ you know the situation. im sorry fo rmy sins but i dont wanna gfight with my mom all day everyday pleae intervene. please help my mom in every way oyu can y and heal my moms heart and health. also please help her calm down please help her stop yelling. please also my grandm ais very sick. pleas eheal her Lord she has been bedridden several years im tryin gto t care for her . please take away heal ficy teh cause of her high blood pressure. please Lord aksing oyu to do all you can to stop my mom constantly yelling at me. please pelas ei need abreak form her tonight formt he yelling. also pelase heal my diabetes. protect the hwole famiyl form covis and form alle vil. pelase dleiver this world form all evil alls ickness disease and the devil. please help my mom to unsderstand im too weak to fight all the time. help her read my emotions intentiions please help her nto get confused please. im so tried of the fightign also. need help with my own emotional health and physical health Lord. please be empathetic twoard me and merciful for my sisn. help my mother to forgive and ntohold grudge same wiht my brother. need help Lord. im so tire dof fightign please Lord my kidneys and bdody cant handle the fighting. please send holy angels to help my mom especially tonight . need a break form the fightign Lord. please I dotn think i do this tongiht you knwo what i mean Lord. Please help her stop talkign to me. im so tired. Lord its too mcuh send smeone to help her to talk to her someoen to distract her help me care for my grandma. Lor di so tired. LOr di sont want to ealk around eggshells with my mother. i do not know hwo to ocmmunicate with her. Lor dmake it easier to communicate with her . Help als help her take care fo herself. her body emothions. and all that pelase help her Lord. Please and als for all peopel. Too Lor dim too tired. if eel weak. PLease help me tonight . i need water im thirsty. Lord help. please miraculoulsy get rig of excess sugar in my and my grandma. Lord odnt knwo how to communicate with my rbother and mom. dont know how to communicate witht hem. help. help them empathize with me. please. please heal them if they need healing in any way int he name of the Lord Jesus Chris ti pray. Lord please i feel so rund own. Lord sav eme. i NEED help. grandm aneed help.