Disciple of Prayer
My Lovely Sweetheart Father' JESUS KING, I'm Your Brokening Daughter Jessie Lovelitaah ,Please I can't do anything without you Daddy, Please kindly remember me dad,no one there for me dad, you're bigger than Loganathan@ kannan and all , He used me dad,and thrown me out he puts me into dustbin From 11th February,2019 ,July 09,2022 he blocked me,My Ambitions my careers everything you knew very well dad, He is asking my identity my background, Status backgrounds Royalty,Dad,Mom, About Families,.. So much of tears biggest Griefs dad, I have to become an Honest IAS officer For You And I want Glorifies Praising Your Holy Name's Dad,I Want To Serves To You Dad,I have to serves lift up all the innocent brokening roaming souls Daddy.. I'm alone.. I'm in pains..how much struggles in my Engineering graduation due to my Love pains..he fully cheated me..used me dad...now I can't accept these much biggest Griefs,I can't concerntrations on my UPSC CSE Exams And studies... Please Dad I'm Your Daughter, You're Counting my Sleepless Nights Tears Heart Tearing,Still I'm Taking Tablets For Headche And Heartaches Daddy Every Pains tears are he gave to me giving me still,I Need Justice Dad,.. you're the true GOD,when I went to his home for asking justice on HIS Birthday But He And His Brothers Whole Families Thrown me In out , Loganathan@ kannan put his slippers on my gifts too,..one his brother Miss behaved with me...but Loganathan@ kannan didn't say anything he and his sister and whole families brothers are laughed at me still. They are thinking laughing at me...my life ended I'll never come up I'm an orphan they all thinking, please dad infront of all of them please lift up me like Yosheppu And Esther In Bible How You Lifted Them ,Dad still roaming Swamy please Do war for me... Justice for me Dad,Each And Every Seconds I'm dying by Loganathan@ kannan ,daddy... please I want to become an Honest IAS And I want to serves to this nation,your country dad,I want to he should come and with Repentance heart with pure love I wnat to he should get married me dad, without any expectations,on Feb 12 he came to collector office for Getting sign nu he said...but he met Me..He forced to meets me on that days, previous year also I went to childhome August 27 th Because of his birthday i met Little Fatherless Motherless Kids provided foods..this year' also and coming years also want to visit there with him as he is my husband... APPA PITHAVE Please Kindly Hold me dad, can't control my tears...I dnt want any females in his life except me ...Before me after me...in his life he keeping relationships with so many females...he is a motherless Kid that's why I accepted dad,but he is asking my identity status background proofs royalty,Dad I have you I'm having your Unconditional love only dad....he said he is rich he'll do anything on me...like that ,but my life fully spolied by him...my careers IAS dreams, everything,.. APPA you're my first and last Hope please kindly Do Justice For Me Dad,In This Song by Your Holy Promises Where ever I got Paining tears Ashames cheats Betrayals ... infront of them please change and lift up my life dad,All Glories Worships Praises Thanking To you My Lovely JUDGE JESUS KING.....Dad He Said still he is saying I'm a Christian I'm following JESUS KING nu he ignored me.... religions problems nu he said dad, first he asked my identity the. He says I'm a Christian nu... APPA you're the
KING Real Loving Real Living Awesome JUDGE Please Kindly Do war for me with all devil's peoples who they all are gave trust to me for my marriage and spoiled my life ,still he is roaming with so many auntie's females directly... please kindly Do biggest war With Them All Swamy, Thanking You Lots Dad, Waiting For your Judgements APPA..... Everything Is Possible To You JESUS king, I'll never cry I'll never ashames by him anymore ,In The Name Of Real Loving JESUS Father's Holy Name's, Amen,Amen...You're the True GOD of all fatherless Motherless roaming girls like me... you're my identity my Dadmom,my IAS studies my Marriage life my justices everything dad, please talk with Loganathan@ kannan dad.......... please gives your Unconditional Loves inside his soul please give Salvation To Loganathan@ kannan and his sister and whole families Tomorrow's His Sister Birthday dad, still I'm remembering I m saving my Promises with Loganathan@ kannan 11th Feb,2019 we promised each others I'll be your another Mother I'll take care of you both Loganathan@ kannan Jhaanu my first son and his sister my daughter like that...still loving him as my first son dad,and his whole Families too... YESHU MAHA Raajaathi Raajaah APPA I don't have any stamina inside my heart and soul 

all are challenging and laughing at me about my life spoiled by Loganathan@ kannan ,all are Loganathan@ kannan's female girl friends also laughing at me laughing about my Situations he left me nu they laughing dad,I can't live ,each and every Seconds I'm dying crying dad, please dad Give Loganathan@ Kannan to me due to my heart's desires APPA Amen...