Faithful Servant
My little dog Jack passed away. Thank you to everyone who had been praying for him during his recent illness. It was just too much for his almost 17 year old body. And thank you to everyone that prayed for him for any of my previous prayer requests over the years (there were many). I remember my very first prayer requests, on prayer sites such as this one, was for Jack in 2010. He had been seriously injured and was having complications. I remember begging the Lord to give me more time with Jack, and asking everyone to pray that we would have more time together. Our Lord is gracious and generous and gave me 14 more years of having little Jack in my life. I have a grateful heart for those precious 14 years that the Lord gave us. I wish he could have lived longer but I'm so very grateful that I was able to be with Jack and hold him as he peacefully went to sleep for the final time. My heart is completely broken over the loss of him and my home just feels like a box full of memories and an empty dog bed. Please pray for me and my grief. I miss him so much. I hope and pray that one day I will see my little dear friend Jack again. Thank you and God bless you.