Prayer Partner
My life is in constant chaos. My house is a mess. I lost my job. My attitude needs and adjustment. My marriage is not great. I am getting angry easier at my children. I am over weight. My husband can't seem to get a better job since the military. Our income has gone down greatly. I lost my van. The van we have is on its last leg. The car we are borrowing is going to die. We are a month behind on our rent. I don't know if I am coming or going. I know I have been making wrong decisions Lord. So I am going to start making better choices. Number one change I am going to give you all of my burdens. I am going to give my finances, my parenting, my relationship to Lord. You are the best at repairing things. I will let you in my heart all the way Lord. Not just part of the way. I am going to give thanks and be happy with what is going right in my life. Like my husband whom has so many patience. I am going to leave this depression and oppression behind and step into your light. The light and love that will make sure I have what I need. What I want. What I want is your love Lord and forgiveness.