Please help me, I was born into a Muslim family whom I only received the worst of the worst treatments because I love Jesus Christ. Now I am married to a man whom I provided for for 23 years and suddenly after marriage he finally started making some money and started acting like he is possessed by a demon who hates me especially after I mention the name of Jesus in prayer. His family also ostracised me yet use witchcraft to break my marriage. I don't know where to turn anymore for help and the Lord guided me here after listening to the warfare prayer online. Please help me because I am on the verge of stepping out of this life as it is.
Much love and gratitude in advance,
Dear Sister, I personally understand your pain because the devil is on a rampage for our souls. We are in the last days and every faithful is hard pressed on every side so we can give up our faith. I’m almost in a similar situation, my husband and I met and married as Christians—both born again but his family hated and rejected me, I guess because they aren’t born again even though they occasionally attend church. It seems there may be witchcraft but I have no proof even though I’m suspicious they accused me of witchcraft knowing it’s a lie. Anyway my husband struggled and even when he had a breakthrough, they sent an ominous message saying he would lose it all and unfortunately he did (we should have been more prayerful, so I take responsibility). I have been providing for the family and in the last year a once loving husband has turned on me, he now treats me with disdain like I caused all his problems and it tears me apart, literally my heart is in pain daily and I have to fight off bitterness and forgive him daily. He doesn’t pray with me and can’t touch or speak to me. I’m literally abandoned and just functioning as a provider. He says he’s under attack and trying to protect himself and I don’t really know what that means.
What am I saying? The first thing I had to do to keep my sanity is turn fully to God, everyone else is noise, even my loved ones. Isaiah 54:5 My Maker is my Husband. I’m working on making that real, I ask God for everything, grumble about everything, allow Him to show me what I could have done differently and open myself up to the hope that he gives me concerning the future, even the future of my marriage. He has told me the devil is on a rampage and the intent is to break marriages, starting with Christian marriages, even if it’s only one spouse that is Christian, the truth is the idea of marriage as God wants it is what the devil is out to destroy. So there is a spiritual element and it’s even worse if your husband is not submitted to Christ.
The good news is that we can pray, God has promised that He is in charge but I have to be patient, He is raising up an army of believers that will overcome Satan with their testimonies. In every way the enemy tries to undermine God, He makes His boast in us that we will overcome if we are patient with Him.
I can’t promise you it’s easy, I cried this morning already, but everyday I’ve had to work through 1 Corinthians 13:4. I’ve had to set emotions aside and allow God to build my spirit, I know the days I cry, I’m indulging the flesh but I also find comfort in my quiet times knowing God listens, understands and I will still smile and enjoy my marriage. Yours may feel worse, but remember God has great plans for you, He knew you while you were in the womb and predestined you, you are more than your marriage but allow Him to prove His love to you even in your marriage. Don’t leave except he wants to harm you, if he walks away, focus on God, the truth is there is nothing that He cannot do. If he shed His blood for us, will He not freely give us all things? I’m taking back my joy now, it’s beyond human understanding and I think you should too. I pray for grace, mercy, joy and a divine intervention for you in Jesus name. I pray your husband, your family and his family find Jesus and you shall find peace and love like you never had. We silence the voice of the enemy over your life and pray for God’s perfect will in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen