Disciple of Prayer
My name is Peter. My son Malachi is 13. I have been raising him in the Lord since he was born. His mother divorced me only years later to tell me she made a mistake and was just listening to friends who told her to. She said there was no reason to divorce me. However, I did not trust her and since she did not share the values of the Lord, she is for abortion, as an example. I told her we did not have compatible core values. So I did not get back together with her. I am still single and I believe this is best for my son Malachi. As far as I am aware she is also. We have 50/50 parenting time, as set by the judge. A few years back out of spite she took me to court and tried to change the parenting time. She told the judge that she wanted Malachi to be able to decide the parenting time schedule, to which the judge replied “Absolutely not. He would become a monster.” Also, my son Malachi did not want it changed and he wrote the judge a letter stating such and the parenting time did not change. However, since that time she has often threatened to just keep him from me and not give him to me when it’s my week to have him, we switch off every Monday each having him for a week. With me he has his two adult siblings, Josiah and Mikaela, and their spouses, and his nephew, my grandson Calder from his sister Mikaela. He also has my mom (his grandmother) and his uncle Sam (my brother) and his two cousins from his uncle Sam. They all love spending time together. He has no relatives on his mother’s side that live anywhere close and sadly both of her parents have passed away. Now I don’t know if she is really walking with the Lord or not, I continually pray for her to be. However, I am not sure as she shows no compassion nor empathy. And now she is saying that she wants to sit down and discuss the parenting time schedule since Malachi is 13. She then sent me a screenshot of the local law regarding custodial interference, thinking she would be immune to such a crime since she is the “custodial parent”. This seems to be a threat that she thinks she can just keep him from me, against the court order, and won’t be guilty of any law breaking. I am rather certain this is not the case. However, I have tried very hard to keep things calm and friendly between us both for Malachi’s sake and because family court generally favors the mothers. The name of Malachi’s mother is ###. I take Malachi to church every Sunday and also to youth group during the week and on the other days when we are home we do what we’ve been doing since he was about 5 or 6, we “sing and pray”. We start off with an opening prayer, sing 3 songs using my guitar, then we read 3 chapters in Scripture as we have been going through it from Genesis, then we sing 3 more songs and then finish with a more in-depth prayer, and I have him also pray offering up thanksgiving to God. Every Friday that he is with me, his grandmother comes and stays the night. We have a “movie night” with her where we have pizza or some other fun dinner and watch a movie and hang out. Then the next day we have a fun breakfast and she has taught him cursive, using cursive books and she has been doing this with him for at least a couple of years. Then she also does other things with him like help him do some organizing in his room and put puzzles together, etc.. I feel this is an attack of the enemy to impede these things trying to Malachi away from these activities that enrich his life in so many ways and also enrich mine and the lives of others. His mother was recently being investigated at her work for not doing her job and she looked for another job and took it and resigned from that job. That was CPS. She now works elsewhere. She was stressed as these things were going on and I prayed with her asking God for His graciousness to her to provide for her a good job. This was just last month and now she is threatening me like this to try to obstruct Malachi’s relationship with me and the rest of his family on my side. Please pray that none of this is anything that Malachi wants and that she stops trying to push this on everyone. Family court is very uncertain and I do not want to go to family court but I will not agree with her to change anything in the parenting time. I feel she tries to put too much responsibility onto Malachi and she isn’t taking the proper responsibility as a parent and wants to treat him like he’s her friend rather than her son. When he is with her she seems to allow him to make many decisions as if she’s trying to win him over, when in fact he doesn’t need to be presented with most, if not all of those decisions as they should rest on the shoulder of the parent and not the child. So please pray against this attack, that she will stop and perhaps God will distract her with something else or if we indeed go to court that it will be just as it was before, that nothing will change. Even better please pray that she doesn’t go as far as to try to take this to court and that God will guide and lead me in His wisdom on how to pray and what to say and do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers! The fervent prayer of the righteous man can accomplish much! (James 5:16)