I come to you today in need of prayer for my son, for he is feeling a little strung out, with the not knowing what is going to happen, I am needing prayer for him to have strength in his fight against these wrongful accusations. It is not fair when it comes to being wrongfully accused of crimes you may not have committed. The world has come to so much injustice to some people. I cannot judge anyone for I am just a person, but when people hear that you are a mother of a son whom has been accused of a sex crime against a child, the world looks at you differently, not knowing the truth. I continue to tell my son, that God has a plan, although this may not have been the plan my son was expecting, he has been dealt a hard plan. I cry and pray that God will give bring my son home safe and this horrible nightmare will go away, but my son will never have his reputation back to his normal life before these wrongful accusations came into play. While I have paid his attorney and continue to owe her money, we find ourselves in a financial state needing help to free my son, and we know there are others out there in the world going through so much suffering, I wait patiently for a miracle to happen. I will not give up on my son, and I will not give up on God making everything correct and safe in this world. I will not give up to anything ugly that is happening in my life my children's lives, and anyone else whom may be suffering. For I have faith in the Lord, all will be okay, In the mighty name of Jesus Amen.