Dear Lord Almighty, I want to take the time and thank you for your many blessings, the power of prayer is and can be amazing. First, my grandsons and I were blessed with school for them, my 6th grader is doing good and enjoying the new year, came home happy that they are moving him into Pre-Athletics, my 9th grader was blessed with finally getting all his paperwork done, he signed up for football, to study law, and to learn Spanish. I want the utmost best for both of my boys, I am still praying for a miracle for my son in jail. I cannot thank the many people who have prayed for him. It is hard for him to deal with the incarceration for he has poured his truths to the Lord. He says Momma, is this the plan God had for me? He says I have done nothing but try and give my kids all that I didnβt have and to have one of my own condemn me has broken my heart. I cry when he speaks to me and I give him encouragement to not give up on the Holy Spirit. In due time, God will bless him with a miracle and have him back home. Although he will not be looked at the same for everyone will continue to judge him, but I reassure him, only The God Almighty can judge you. If you have confessed to God then God will protect you through his son Jesus. Pray for our sinners, Dear Lord, for we are not perfect and we do make mistakes, but my faith in my son and the way I feel in my heart is that he is innocent. Pray that a miracle with his case comes to light that he will be home soon and innocent. In the Almighty name of Jesus, hear my prayers and my pleas. Amen