Prayer Partner
My husband of the LORD soulmates children are always safe the GATE at Rancho Seco is a 6 it's my birthday
month no more drama llama Loosen Verse Isa 60:11 Gates open continuously for blessings and my family breathes near me greatly visits me we go home to New Zealand the weirdness goes back fast as coffee
Hebrews 4:12 Quick and powerful sharper then any time edges
Deut 28:6 Myself and my family are blessed coming and going out I get a trailer with Myles Hass and I don't fight anymore no more jealousy God's will my family isn't being held in cages or our souls we renounce the ungodly soul ties by weeds leaches no water control adios Corndogs not your DNA no texting no prayer sites no face pics no Facebook no Google no weather control no one's anointing to keep no peace of anyone's to keep byeeeeeed weapons Isa 54:17 28:13 Tailed Deut Byeeee Janelle Cervantes and crew Byeeeee Maria Salcedo and crew Byeeee Luis Torres and crew no more energy suckers give back all stolen lifestyle movements and anyone like you shame on you no one's time ever again souls are not yours to eat weirdos byeeeeeed #you suck to suck don't remember my name or my family You are the talk of the town CORRECT
ION SHAME no soul mate tea no pixel power noind control no tongues no knees no minds CORNDOGS you don't even go here Deut 8:18 into existence in Jesus name it's done as Princess Jasmine Rice none ya businezzzzzzzzssz